10 years and counting, and still enjoying every minute of it, although I don't have as much time to devote to photography as I'd like. My goal is to devote at least one day a week to photography.
Christian, military spouse (retired), and homeschool mom (retired)! I love to travel (and we used to move around a lot), snapping pictures as I go, and to take photos of my kids' events. Basically, I take pictures of everything, kind of a left over habit from my newspaper days. But, with my kids out of the house, I have to actively look for photo opportunities. Still having fun and learning a lot! But, I think my favorite is nature photography.
Constructive criticism is welcome!
Get Pushed Challenges I've already done, starting back on Get Pushed #66 in Oct. 2013.
1 building or structure in b&w or monochrome
2 abstract b&w
3 sum up your military life
4 fairy tale
5 selective color
6 long exposure with motion
7 find letters in nature to spell a word
8 forced perspective
9 one of your kids using the January challenge words
10 something yellow
abstract of water
sepia photo that looks turn of the century
abstract image that reflects something important to you
take a picture of two different body parts that tell a story
15 macros of fruits and vegetables
random shot of people on the street
collage that tells something about who you are as a person
food shot like for an advertisement
picture with a silhouette
20 preconceived black and white shot, looking for high contrast subjects
abstract pattern shot
favorite Bible verse
architecture shot focusing on the form (lines, curves, angles) of the building
shot of an emotion in black and white
25 still life
street shot of a stranger
white on white
something unique to your community
capture a popped water balloon
30 negative space
intentional camera movement
processed colorful photo of pencils, crayons or paints laid out in an artsy way
high-key portrait, not necessarily a selfie
light painting
35 panning
recreate a FAVed pic or us it as an inspiration
fire prevention week
the soul of your hometown
square photo
40 low key portrait or self portrait
portrait focusing on a body part other than face
reflection in water or a window
image with a sinister mood
45 long exposure water droplets shot
retake a picture you would like to do differently
nostalgic b&w Christmas picture with one of my kids
"twenty years from now when I look back..."
portrait of one or more of my kids
50 blurrism
fun with refraction
March in the South
rule of thirds
55 interesting building or architecture
a day in your life in a collage
b&w candid shot with a human presence
mimic the b&w style of another 365 member,
60 low key photo
an inorganic object
one or more seven deadly sins
effective use of negative space
65 water - something creative
black and white photo
long exposure of water
loyalty or disloyalty
monochrome shot
70 shadows
single picture using the concepts of curves, clutter and companion
an abstract photo
photo emulating your favorite painter
75 triptych telling a story
blurred photo depicting action
industrial picture
picture depicting love and 1 Corinthians 13:13
picture inspired by quote from motivateus.com
80 picture taken from the perspective of a cat
photo using negative space
favorite path
Dutch angle
photo depicting a song title
85 silhouette against a bright light
three Christmas items
Christmas card showing meaning of Christmas
food photo
black and white photo
90 water crown
Pick two words made from Homeschoolmom and use them for a picture
Photograph Cozy!
photo of an adult
Make something small in the photo the main focus of the picture
95 Photograph cooperation
photo of a person not posed
"in honor of spring and World Wide Minute" take a photo of purple at 5:47
focus on Ressurection/Rejeuvenation/Rejoice
the emotion happiness
100 star trails or car light trails
contrast big and little in one shot
photos of people
photograph something unique to MN
105 deliberately set up refraction
Flashback, and do the opposite of the picture you get
play with splashes and get water in motion
find items to spell your name in a collage
do a new editing process
110 Psalm 23
photograph "ominous"
take an SC photo in your garden or house
take photos of a medium sized object from three different perspectives
make a collage of 9 photo of "threes"
115 high key shot
leading lines
S shape subject
low key still life
multiple shot
120 reflection
high key with flash and back light
something beautiful but inspires disgust/mistrust
125 contrasting colors
recreate on of your Favorites
light trails
surreal shot
130 opposites
something clear, like glass
something that reminds you of your favorite movie
pick a time, a.m. or p.m., and photograph your life
B&W pic of texture
135 B&W abstract of homeschooling
Still life of flowers in natural light
Recreate a photo you posted this week on a previous year on 365
Emulate Northy
Still life of something other than flowers or fruit
140 Redo a photo you were unhappy with and tell why
Portrait of a person
Take a photo using a setting on your camera that you don't normally use
Photograph a forgotten holiday decoration around your house
Take a photo that your 10-year-old self would take
145 Use a photo you took over the weekend and do out-of-the box editing on it
Collage of your gladiola over a week
Take 5 photos in a row on auto, no editing
Action shot
150 Replicate on of your favorites, why did you like it
Leading lines
Take a hip shot
Abstract photo
August words, letters O-S or T
155 Macro of a bug
Rust in any way
Landscape with big sky near where you live
160 faceless portrait
fall in your area
selfie with your boys
macro shot
"day in the life" of me, my dog and the refrigerator (collage)
165 portrait
photo representing a book title
a "day in the life" photo
still life with bottles
macro shot of something metal related to the military
170 food levitation
mimic the B&W style of Northy
something you care about
dominant depth of field blur
175 "set up and photograph a still-life or some scene with a Bible, something to indicate ya'lls service branch and something that speaks homeschooling. Then add two more things/items or elements to represent other very important facets of your life."
b&w high key portrait
landscape with something of interest in the foreground
180 old and new
A portrait
a B&W shot where the B&W adds impact
rummage in your junk drawer or shed for a random item to photograph
185 organic abstract or geometric
pick a photo of partner's that I like and recreate it
repeating shapes, not patterns, but different objects
translucent or translucency
people at work
190 space, the final frontier
texture, any way you want
B&W pic of a flower where the B&W emphasis form
pic of your truck (shiny chrome, bits and pieces, dirt, or a portrait)
rule of odds
195 make a GIF
collage of favorite duty station
photo of a holiday/observance from this week
one subject, two light sources
pattern in architecture
200 diptych or triptych in style of David Hilliard
abstract landscape
flat lay
intentional overexposure
205 zoom burst with a person in it
comfort and joy
Christmassy reflection and selfie
210 favorite Christmas Carol
whatever you want to show me
still life dark on dark background
remake a photo from Jan or Feb 2014
215 minimalist shot showing solitude
really high contrast
collage of your favorite subject
selfie showing my love for photography
seasonal shot for St. Patrick's Day
220 photo in style of Dutch painter Ans Markus
night photography
Trevor Carpenter challenge
bw photo that is mean and moody/dramatic/shows motion
rule of thirds and negative space
225 use one of four framing techniques
still life
sun flare
very low perspective
collage of daily objects, different colors
230 3-point lighting on a portrait or still life
black and white photo
still life of tools
composite pic of son or dog doing what he loves
home alone
235 nothing
fine art in bw
be prepared
240 image which represents your favourite song
low key reflection
minimalist pic with negative space
high key
245 take a shot without looking
still life using 5 items that represent milestones or important times in my life.
non-Christmas pic from down low
candlelight photography
fizzy fruit bubbles
250 shadow as the subject
kitchen utensil in black and white
photograph a nut in an unexpected place
edit Orton effect
Dutch tilt
255 Still life of everyday kitchen items.
flat lay of flowers
unnatural, sharp angles EOTB
rule of odds
favorite piece of jewelry to show why you love it
260 landscape or street scene in color with lots of detail
reflection in a pond turned upside down to fool someone
a photo without the color green in it
interesting photo of an every day object
re-do a challenge that you struggled with
265 photography natural style
"so many books, so little time"
use one of your moon photos to make a Fantasy shot
colorful macro made into an abstract
tell a story in a series of photographs, put in a collage like Sunday comics
270 photograph the moon with an object of interest in the foreground
interpretation of the work of Catherine Chauloux with some of colorful material
interesting building or architecture
double exposure, either in camera or in editing
interesting light, possibly filtered and reflecting off water
275 try a setting on your camera that you haven't explored yet
photo of 3 brightly colored geometric shapes
detailed picture of something mechanical
B&W portrait using light creatively
280 panning
autumn or harvest
abstract architectural detail
wildlife from my back yard
tag challenge - farm and flower
285 10 unique/abstract pics of one small object in a collage
artist challenge-Frances Seward
environmental portrait (someone at work or doing hobby that tells something about them)
image with a vintage feel
pareidolia (objects that remind us of faces), something like Victoria Ivanova's tool photos
290 Christmas flat lay
photo with diagonal lines
triptych that tells a story from 2020
reflection (naturally recurring or one you create) or silhouette form
backlit photo
295 low key
opposite textures (example hard/soft)
lots of negative space
street scene
ink in water shot
300 ink in water mixed
up high, perspective looking down
capture a shadow that conveys a mood, tone or emotion
album cover challenge - Russell Perry's "society has the teenagers it deserves"
Recreate a Van Gogh painting
305 Flat lay all one color, not pink
landmark from an unusual viewpoint
artist challenge Colin McCahon
moon in background, something of interest in foreground
double exposure in camera
310 picture with a scripture verse or quote
long-exposure of sky (didn't do, rained all week)
landscape photo that evokes an emotion
golden ratio
photo focus stacking
315 bird's eye view
use words in the frame of your photo
frozen flowers
shadow as the focal point
B&W of various textures and contrasts
320 long exposure of the sky
photo is style of Suzanne Saroff
chose any shape and make a collage
take a photo and flip or rotate it so that your image is as interesting, or more, than the original
indoor still life
325 forced perspective
My photos that have made the Popular Page: