365.250 by irishmamacita10


"Another World"

I have taken up shopping late at night and it really is a different experience. Not only do I not have any children in tow but it is much more quiet.....I realize one probably has to do with the other but I am talking about the rest of the world. Less traffic, less people, ....less merchandise on the shelves.

(*sidenote - Can the rest of the general public PLEASE leave me some Danon Vanilla Greek Yogurt??? Seriously, it's like I told two people about how delicious it is and, BAM!, it takes off like wildfire and everyone and their monkey's mailman is out buying it, not leaving any for midnight shoppers such as myself.)

Back to my picture - Upon arriving home tonight, I looked up into Diego and Finn's bedroom window and saw this reflection. Of course, I had to turn around and look ....just to make sure that there was only one moon in the real sky. Then I thought about how cool it would be to run upstairs and wake the boys to show them the two moons. And then I realized that my tired brain wasn't considering the fact that they would not see the reflection from the outside while looking out from the inside. Then I thought, "My picture of the day!" So I ran in, got my camera, ran back out, realized I needed my tripod, realized even more that I need to just go to bed (because with each click of the shutter, I am still turning around to make sure it's still just one moon in the sky), and so I held my breath, stood really still and hoped for something semi cool.

Of course, I could have done better but I am tired and so it is what it is. I think the boys will like what I saw in their window. If they are any part of me (and I am pretty sure they are) they will wonder what it would be like to live in another world. One where there are two moons ....AND Danon Vanilla Greek Yogurt on the store shelves.

Hey, looky there, day 250 with 3 minutes to spare! ;)
Really cool capture ;)
September 8th, 2011  
very cool :D
September 8th, 2011  
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