37 by irishmamacita10


When I cry, my eyes turn from green to G-R-E-E-N.

We had an incident today involving eyes....penguin eyes, to be exact. "Fluffy" is Finn's beloved penguin. Fat Head Sofi was discovered cuddling with Fluffy this morning. At first I smiled at the adorableness of it all. And then I gasped in horror when I realized Fluffy's plastic, beady, black eyes had been methodically removed from his face, leaving two gaping holes, crying tears of white fluff (aka- stuffing). It really was quite disturbing and the image of an eyeless peguin, I'm afraid, is forever etched into my brain.

Normally, I don't keep spare penguin eyes on hand, such as was the case today. I ran to my closet and grabbed some white and black fleece (I always keep that nearby incase of emergency...???), a needle and some thread. When I was finished, the little kids who were home with me, gasped at the results. I smiled in content victory, until they opened their sticky little mouths and said hurtful things like, "HE'S BUG EYED!" and "THAT'S FREAKY!"

I told Finn what had happened when picking him up from school. He took it well....until we got home and I handed Fluffy to him with a smile on my face. I said, "Look! I think he looks cute!" Finn screamed, threw Fluffy to the ground, and ran up the stairs crying. I was able to coax him down a few minutes later and we sat on the couch and talked about how everytime he looks at Fluffy, he will think of his mom and know how much she loves him and wanted to fix Fluffy's eyes to make him happy. And how Fluffy is now an original, unlike all the copycat penguins that all world's other kids had. Then I pointed out how now Fluffy is completely huggable and snuggable....you can fall asleep on his face without worry of waking up with the indents of two plastic, beady, black eyes on your forehead. He agreed and confessed that he really does like Fluffy's new eyes.


As we were talking, the evening sun was peeking in through the window, right into Finn's tearful eyes. My boy....he has my eyes.
Poor Finn got a shock but the penguin eyes are cute and Finns eyes are gorgeous :D
February 8th, 2012  
Love the story and those green eyes! :)
February 12th, 2012  
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