Metro Center by jbritt

Metro Center

Leslie and I took the metro to the Crime and Punishment museum this afternoon. I took this photo the way home.

We spent a many hours in the museum, but I was a bit disappointed. Since there are many free museums and galleries in DC, I rarely pay for museums so my expectation was high. I also read rave reviews. There was a lot to read, and fewer interactive displays than I expected. At one point I found myself thinking I could be reading a book in a comfortable chair at home instead of walking around the too-warm museum. And I was surprised at the number of typographical errors or just plain bad spelling--it's hard to tell which. Several busloads of teenagers came through during our visit, which was distracting but a bit interesting in itself.

I felt like I should read every exhibit all the way through, but gave up when we got to the punishment area. I don't think I would really want to read about all the ways people are executed anyway, but by that time I was pretty well saturated. The CSI crime lab was interesting enough to revive my attention, but that came after the punishment section and we were both ready to go home by that point.

I had a few photos to choose from today, all with interesting lines. (1) Inside the Courthouse metro station while we waited for the train downtown. (2) A bicycle that caught Leslie's eye -- I managed to capture it without any cars, so there are interesting lines in the sidewalk and the street but nothing else to distract attention from the bike. (3) Riding down the escalator into metro center--right after this I took this shot.

I wished for a family to vote on the best photo like the Smith family does. None of these shots are great but they are about equally good, making my decision difficult. But I guess then it doesn't really matter which one I chose.

Links to the other contenders:
I like your choice very much - the perspective, and the rich warm light and colors that carry through the whole passageway.

The amount of reading in the displays sounds somewhat troublesome but errors are unforgivable. I've started seeing misspelled words on tv news banners, and it drives me mad. Words are so precious to me. And I wonder sometimes what has happened to the American sense of quality and professionalism. But I hate to be such an uptight grammar cop.

If you post your other photos on Flickr, I'd enjoy seeing them.
May 5th, 2011  
Nice lines and lighting. It is hard to pick one photo for the day. I used to take just one and stop-that was the photo. Now I have too many choices to pick from and I so so indecisive!
May 5th, 2011  
The architecture is beautiful; and I like the small shadows cast by the upright pillars.
May 5th, 2011  
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