IPHONE Photo ~ In Motion  by jin1x

IPHONE Photo ~ In Motion

Went on a 5K run with my kids… and snapped this while in motion. Are run was on a country road WAY out of town. So yes Blurry ~ but it was a Beautiful day.
Great composition
April 1st, 2014  
Wonderful composition.
April 1st, 2014  
You caught that while running?? Wow - run more often!! Terrific shot - and the wispy clouds over a very cool landscape set this off perfectly.
April 1st, 2014  
Nice scene. Taking images in motion is always fun (and challenging). You did very well with this one, it is well composed
April 1st, 2014  
太美了It was very
April 1st, 2014  
Beautiful open sky, lovely place to have a run.
April 1st, 2014  
Love that barn and the tin roof!
April 1st, 2014  
You captured it well
April 1st, 2014  
great composition, Love the clouds.
April 1st, 2014  
It's remarkable that it isn't more blurry. I can feel the wind in my face and the ground beneath my feet. Very nice!
April 2nd, 2014  
Nicely composed Sunkist. lovely sky. fav. :)
April 5th, 2014  
Great shot, especially when moving. Very nicely composed, too. ;-)
April 7th, 2014  
Sounds like a fun day! Such a peaceful scene! Fav
April 7th, 2014  
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