city street! by jmj

city street!

I so rarely go to a town or city nowadays, that this has to be recorded! Today I went to Inverness, our nearest shopping centre, 46 miles away, and bought some shoes. Shopping isn't my favourite occupation usually but today it was good to have a wander round the pedestrian precinct.
I still feel a bit strange getting my camera out when there are people around! Hills and lochs and animals are much easier!
I agree with you about taking photos when there no one about! I always feel self conscious! I unlike you love shopping! Be it food shopping or other I love to go,into,our local town, so many people to chat to! New shoes is good too! I do stay local more & more now though much preferring smaller families towns. Inverness us a lovely town although it's years since I was there. I like your view down the street with the church spire in the distance,
September 14th, 2016  
Oh I'm not a shopper!!! but, yes, it is rather more awkward to take photos when folk insist on being in the same location 😄
September 14th, 2016  
Great shot of a lovely street! It's such a compact shopping space and you don't have miles to walk to get from one to another! I must say it's a while since I stopped to shop there......usually just passing through these days.
September 15th, 2016  
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