• August 2024

1st Aug 2024 - Handstand
2nd Aug 2024 - Who me worry ?
3rd Aug 2024 - Butterfly in Garden
5th Aug 2024 - Stopping by for a Drink
6th Aug 2024 - Who's There ?!
7th Aug 2024 - Monarch
8th Aug 2024 - Time for a Drink
10th Aug 2024 - Views from the Top
11th Aug 2024 - CSX Freight Train - Westford, MA
12th Aug 2024 - Box Car Graffiti
13th Aug 2024 - Mourning Dove Headshot
14th Aug 2024 - Lily & Pollen
15th Aug 2024 - Breakfast of Monarchs
16th Aug 2024 - Monarch on Lavender
17th Aug 2024 - I see Dogs!
19th Aug 2024 - Monarch
20th Aug 2024 - Twisted
21st Aug 2024 - Seashore Seagulls
22nd Aug 2024 - Apple
23rd Aug 2024 - Buds to Bloom
24th Aug 2024 - Fuchsia Attraction
26th Aug 2024 - Eastern Wood-Pewee
29th Aug 2024 - Milky Way out back
30th Aug 2024 - Monarch-to-be
31st Aug 2024 - Family