Year twelve! I'm enjoying life getting back to normal post-COVID restrictions. We're back to travelling and getting out and about more.
Year Eleven! Another year of COVID restrictions but we have vaccines that make it less of a threat so things are opening up. We're back to travelling again. Looking forward to seeing what the year will bring!
Year ten! We're now finishing a second year of COVID-19 pandemic adaptations. I used to do a lot of travelling and that has stopped entirely. It's not all bad, though, I have my grandsons to keep me young and happy, and my hiking/canoeing friends who keep me out and about and in shape and loving life!
Year nine! Happily retired for over a year and LOVING it! A second grandson joined the family this year. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has kept us close to home I am still getting out and about paddling in solo outrigger canoes. Mostly I am spending a lot of time with my grandsons and they are an absolute delight!
Year eight! I just retired a few months ago, another grandbaby is on the way, and I've added a few new interests to my life. Hawaiian hula dancing, outrigger canoeing, and photography itself is back to the forefront.
Year seven! I spent the past year struggling with post-cancer meds and largely abandoned my 365 project. A few weeks ago I posted a farewell photo thinking I would take a break from photography. My birder/photographer friend flew out to visit me for a week and renewed my spark! I am paid up for another year and looking forward to getting back to my old self.
Year six is starting out on a big high :) I've finished all of my breast cancer treatments that included two surgeries, four months of chemo, two months of radiation. It wasn't all bad. I lost 12 pounds that I've been trying to lose for years, my hair grew back curly so no more paying for perms (haha). Mostly, I became a grandmother for the first time and it's been a wonderful journey to watch our little grandson grow. Looking forward to what this year brings.
Year five! Wow, another of life's curveballs. In September I was diagnosed with breast cancer so I've started on that journey. I am hoping to keep up my photography but I may be resorting to more cellphone pics. I'll see how creative I can be with that!
Year four! This was a great year. Looking back over the years I've been part of 365 I think it has really helped my photography skills to be here. Looking forward to further improvement in myself, and following the great photographers I've found here.
Year three! I'm happy to report that things are on the upswing health-wise so I'm looking forward to being more able to get out with my camera every day. Year two was challenging with my husband's cancer so I used a lot of fillers. Hopefully Year Three will be all fresh each day :)
Year two! It was so much fun challenging myself to a picture a day that I had to come back for another year. I have settled in to my new life in my new province, loving the outdoors here, and am refreshed for further adventures.
May of year two we found out that my husband had colon cancer. It stopped us in our tracks. Thankfully here in September he's had his surgery and things are looking up. July and August pictures have a lot of fillers. I am still taking lots but not necessarily every day. Life throws us curveballs sometimes, doesn't it?
I've recently moved across Canada and will be experiencing my first winter without much snow. I discovered that I have nesting hummingbirds in my back yard and I'm looking forward to seeing the babies.