10/2/17 by michelle_kelley


Holy Heck! After we came home from the fair yesterday, I went downstairs to start laundry and heard water dripping. As I looked further, it was coming from the boiler. I immediately called Mike downstairs and we started to grab buckets and towels and starting to move stuff out. Upon further investigation, water was leaking for awhile, hours perhaps, and it flooded the while downstairs. Water flowed into Maddie's room down along the back wall into David's closet and bedroom and came back up in the the bonus room. The floors were ruined and we spent the rest of the night tearing up the floor, sucking up water and blowing fans. We thought we were good and done when we went to bed, however, it reflooded again overnight. I cried! I spent the morning sucking up water and drying everything again and kept emptying the bucked when needed. The diagnosis was there was a hole in the water storage tank it and it kept filling the boiler. The boiler did was it was meant to do under pressure and released the pressure through the pressure valve. Thankfully, my FIL, who is a plumber, came up and installed a new water storage tank for us. We lost the floor but did not lose much else. We lost a 4 cube storage unit and a bed frame.
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