• December 2017

1st Dec 2017 - Ozark Turned on the Lights
2nd Dec 2017 - Here Now - Gone in an Hour
3rd Dec 2017 - Almost Have Me Down to a Peephole
4th Dec 2017 - Here I Am Again
5th Dec 2017 - All is Calm - All is Bright
6th Dec 2017 - Leaves Flying Like Flags
7th Dec 2017 - Christmas at My House
8th Dec 2017 - Thank You, 365
9th Dec 2017 - Are You Still There?
10th Dec 2017 - Well, Hello, Mr. Cardinal
11th Dec 2017 - At Least the Frost Helps Brighten Them
12th Dec 2017 - Gently Curling Ice Crystals
13th Dec 2017 - Survived the Night
14th Dec 2017 - Frosted Dandelion
15th Dec 2017 - Ribbons of Ice
16th Dec 2017 - Keeping My Paws Free for Action
17th Dec 2017 - A Full Handful of Berries
18th Dec 2017 - What Do You Suppose He was Thinking?
19th Dec 2017 - Playground Time
20th Dec 2017 - A Swimmin' We Will Go
21st Dec 2017 - Frosted Starburst
22nd Dec 2017 - Rain and Grey Skies Bring Out the Colors
23rd Dec 2017 - Trying to Stay Awake
24th Dec 2017 - Is It Time Yet?
25th Dec 2017 - Christmas Day Bokeh
26th Dec 2017 - Looking Things Over
27th Dec 2017 - It's Not Time Yet
28th Dec 2017 - They're Starting to Return
29th Dec 2017 - 12-29 yellow leaves with Color Efex
30th Dec 2017 - Ice Patterns
31st Dec 2017 - A Year of Wildlife