Native Wildlife by mzzhope

Native Wildlife

Went on a hunt in the forest looking for native wildlife for the Art Wolfe artist challenge today.Didn't find any bears or white tailed deer ..but I did find this cute little chipmunk.
Found an interview with Art Wolfe online and liked what he said here...

"I love going out there and determining that, for example, this little blade of grass is important, and photographing it in a way that makes it become important. "
Oh buddy, he is cute!!!!
August 16th, 2014  
So beautiful!!!!
August 16th, 2014  
GReat focus here
August 16th, 2014  
So adorable.
August 16th, 2014  
Amazing shot, I love the space you have left in front of the chipmunk. Super fave!
August 16th, 2014  
Very cute
August 16th, 2014  
August 16th, 2014  
Cute little devil!
August 16th, 2014  
Lovely capture
August 16th, 2014  
Most definite fav! Wonderful lighting and detail - and all in such a natural setting. Do like the reference to the quote - perfect.
August 16th, 2014  
Sweet :)
August 16th, 2014  
He's so cute, he must be fav'd!
August 16th, 2014  
I like the composition - fav. How on earth did you get such a result at 1/30 sec exposure and no doubt hand held?. I thought these animals were on the scuttle all the time.
August 16th, 2014  
@ethelperry I talk to them No seriously I just kind of hid behind a log.I think he suspected I was there and just froze thinking I would not notice him.He took off running right after he heard the click!
August 16th, 2014  
Serendipity - I love it. You have no doubt guessed that I sometimes look at the exif data out of interest and to help me with "how on earth was that achieved". Inspiration from others may be another way of putting it.
August 16th, 2014  
@ethelperry I do the very same! It bothers me that when I upload to my iPad my exif info gets stripped.:(
August 16th, 2014  
It's getting fat for the winter! Very cute!
August 16th, 2014  
Very nice shot
August 16th, 2014  
fav for me. You have got the eyes just right.
August 16th, 2014  
This is so neat, it looks like it belongs in a "once upon a time" tale
August 16th, 2014  
Just beautiful Hope - fav
August 16th, 2014  
So adorable
August 16th, 2014  
Wonderful capture... we have one of these in our back yard but it zips away if we open the door! fav
August 16th, 2014  
Oh, what a great capture, Hope. Great details. Ours never hold still enough to take a photo so it makes me think you are VERY patient.
August 16th, 2014  
I started to write something, then my eye caught what Taffy had just said above my line I was typing, and I decided she said it better than I was trying . . . so, "what @taffy said."
August 16th, 2014  
Beautiful capture!
August 16th, 2014  
fantastic clarity - love it
August 16th, 2014  
Cute capture. Fav
August 16th, 2014  
Fantastic shot. Fav
August 16th, 2014  
Beautiful capture!!
August 16th, 2014  
This is so cute - great shot - fav
August 16th, 2014  
So sweet!
August 16th, 2014  
I like how the fur on his haunches matches the dead log. Well done.
August 16th, 2014  
Cheeky little chap.
August 16th, 2014  
A very cute capture
August 16th, 2014  
Wow amazing find!
August 16th, 2014  
He is sweet, and it's a great capture. Love all the textures surrounding him. fav.
August 16th, 2014  
Great shot!
August 16th, 2014  
Cute fellow.
August 16th, 2014  
Such a precious looking chap!
August 16th, 2014  
Terrific capture
August 16th, 2014  
Very cute capture of this little chipmunk Hope, lovely detail.
August 16th, 2014  
Adorable shot of this chipmunk--soooo cute and a Fav!
August 17th, 2014  
Great shot. Your POV and cropping is perfect.
August 17th, 2014  
I think you've gotten some of the crystal sharp clarity that I saw in his photos.
August 17th, 2014  
Super cute capture!
August 17th, 2014  
That chipmunk is too cute! Great capture!
August 18th, 2014  
So Cute!
August 18th, 2014  
Darling little forest creature you've photographed. The A. Wolfe quote you've shared is fantastic. I often feel that way — that by focusing in on a tiny flower or a small insect, I've made it really noticeable in this big world.
August 19th, 2014  
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