Crash Landing by pamalama
This is such an awesome composition and shot
February 9th, 2023  
Such an eye-catching shot!
February 9th, 2023  
A lovely find amongst all the pebbles!
February 9th, 2023  
Nice one, Pam!
February 9th, 2023  
Fun find
February 9th, 2023  
nice focus
February 9th, 2023  
Great textures and dof.
February 9th, 2023  
February 9th, 2023  
Love it.
February 9th, 2023  
Wonderful focus and dof, great title too.
February 9th, 2023  
Cute find and great capture.
February 9th, 2023  
Love the composition and DOF. Well done!
February 9th, 2023  
Perfect for found object. I like the way it suggests a story.
February 9th, 2023  
Wow, the details are stunning with macro.
February 9th, 2023  
Looks amazing...
February 9th, 2023  
February 9th, 2023  
I can't make out the kind of truck that it is. Not that that is a big deal.
February 9th, 2023  
Well spotted….. hopefully no one was injured!
February 9th, 2023  
Well spotted
February 9th, 2023  
What a pitty
February 9th, 2023  
Cool shot!
February 9th, 2023  
Neat find!
February 9th, 2023  
Oops, hope nobody was injured. ha ha
February 9th, 2023  
Great find and title
February 9th, 2023  
Nicely put together. Great shot.
February 10th, 2023  
That was a rough fall- but construction vehicles are pretty hardy- so hopefully he'll be up and running again soon. (o: Great minimal shot, composition, and texture!
February 10th, 2023  
Excellent found object, truly out of its element.
February 10th, 2023  
Wow, super find. How did you spot this, looks so tiny?
February 10th, 2023  
Gulliver's travels!
February 10th, 2023  
Great focus. I hope nobody was hurt. What a find !
February 10th, 2023  
Nice shot
February 10th, 2023  
@skipt07 It is a fire truck. Left under the stairs that lead up to my deck.
February 11th, 2023  
@ososki One of my grandsons left it under the stairs that lead up to my deck. I have seen it quite a few times. I am not sure why I still have not picked it up ha ha.
February 11th, 2023  
Is the road nearby?
February 17th, 2023  
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