• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - European peacock
2nd Sep 2024 - Staying in the air
3rd Sep 2024 - Palais Royal
4th Sep 2024 - Place Vendome
5th Sep 2024 - Liberty
6th Sep 2024 - Luxembourg garden
7th Sep 2024 - end of the day
8th Sep 2024 - ca(t)mouflage
9th Sep 2024 - La Madeleine
10th Sep 2024 - Louvre
11th Sep 2024 - Concorde and Arc de Triomphe in the back
12th Sep 2024 - Lutetia hotel
13th Sep 2024 - out of focus in purpose
14th Sep 2024 - he moved!
15th Sep 2024 - who's that handsome cat?