28th December 2020
A new camera, a slight let-up in work pressures, a new year beckons in many ways - it must be time for another 365 Project!
31st March 2020
Finished. A year of taking a shot every day and posting it on the day. Phew!
If you comment or fav or follow - I am truly grateful. I try to keep up with commenting but won't clutter up your inbox with needless "thank you" messages. I will always answer direct questions, whether it's artistic or technical in nature.
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/harrisphelan
2012 (February) Hello! Thanks for dropping by. My day job is hospital management but my real passions are music and photography. I play the bassoon and piano, and try to use most of the settings on my DSLR. The reason for doing this 365 thing is to improve my photography, and, looking at many of the images on the site, I certainly need to!
Let me explain the username (peadar); this is Irish gaelic for "Peter", and is pronounced "Pad-er", with the emphasis on the "Pad". And if you're wondering why Irish gaelic, my wife (Miriam) is from Dublin, and so at home I have got used to being called "Pad". It looks strange when written down!