This was an absolutely glorious sunset. Probably one of the best I have seen when I was set up and waiting for it. I am not used to photographing the ocean and wasn't really sure what shutter speed to use to make the most of the moving water. I floundered a bit, but with a sunset this pretty, it was hard to go too wrong. (Please click for black.)
I will be away for the next week, but look forward to catching up with you all when I get back!
@jgpittenger Thank you, Jane. I was thinking of you when I was taking this shot and wished I could have asked you what settings to use! What is your fav shutter speed for waves?
@pflaume Love that I could identify a beach with a rock formation. It was our favorite beach in Cali and we went a few times. Miss it. Miss the ocean. Yeah, it was time for a change. I have all these random views and it's creeping me out a bit. I thought the change would make me harder to find. Didn't work.