I'm sure this penguin was purple before I took this! Anyway he's been part of bathtime fun for the kids for over 8 years and every now and then we recreate a really old game we made up called "whiskey" where Mr Penguin swims around the bath getting thirsty and gratefully accepts a "drink" but don't ever give him Whiskey as he goes full on crazy!
Had a day working/tidying at home and then discovered it was very wet outside when I ventured into the open so went for this!
@azza_l Just got three London jobs come in today to arrange over next fortnight and when I'm discussing details and whatnot I'm thinking bench time as my first priority. But obviously I'm not saying it out loud !
@rich57 that's brilliant how 365 comes in to your head straight away ove work. Where is the bench excactly? I'm gonna get one..next time i'm up town (not meaning to piss on your fire, but would be cool if random london 365er's added to it)