Nice pick up of the skirt as she walks across the street. So much going on in this shot. Enjoyed all the expressions of the girls. A great street capture.
Pugwash... 2 things. #1. Wait... 3 things. OK, #1. KILLER SHOT! #2. ILL PROFILE PICTURE! (the coolness of that shot is re-don-cu-lous). #3. What processing software do you use? I'm guessin' you don't use picmonkey. Mama's gonna' do some shoppin' and I'm doin' a mini-tally. Hit me back. Hugs and Kisses HB
@rich57 You know what?? Knowing this makes your shots even more fabulous. It was presumptuous of me but truthfully, the clarity to your photos are wonderful and was sure you had some fancy software to achieve what you do. you keep it real, man. x HB
I too love the clarity of your street shots, they are always soooo good. I am a fan of this girl lifting her skirt as she crosses the street, so nicely done.