They go up diddy up up by rosbush

They go up diddy up up

Those magnificent men in their flying machines,
they go up tiddly up up,
they go down tiddly down down.

They enchant all the ladies and steal all the scenes,
with their up tiddly up up
and their down tiddly down down.

Up, down, flying around,
looping the loop and defying the ground.

They're all frightfully keen,
those magnificent men in their flying machines.

They can fly upside with their feet in the air,
They don’t think of danger, they really don’t care.
Newton would think he had made a mistake,
To see those young men and the chances they take.

Those magnificent men in their flying machines,
they go up tiddly up up,
they go down tiddly down down.

They enchant all the ladies and steal all the scenes,
with their up tiddly up up
and their down tiddly down down.

Up, down, flying around,
looping the loop and defying the ground.

They're all frightfully keen,
those magnificent men in their flying machines.

(by Ron Goodwin)
what a cool pic. I like the poem too. is that a song?
March 16th, 2013  
Hi Mini lou :)

It's the theme song from the movie Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines.

Hubby bought the model plane when we visited our daughter in Germany a couple of years ago, and it just reminds me of the song :)
March 16th, 2013  
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