The Breakfast of (Dieting) Champions by sharonlc

The Breakfast of (Dieting) Champions

Weight Watchers will show up from time to time in this project. And with good reason - it's a large part of who I am.

I became a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers back in the '80s, but I gained back the weight (and then some) after having my third child, moving to the car culture of suburbia, etc. But in September 2008 I took control of my eating and went back to Weight Watchers (this time via Weight Watchers Online). I've been within two pounds of my goal weight since April 2009, and I am extremely proud of that accomplishment.

I eat the same thing for breakfast/brunch almost every day (and those rare times I don't eat it as my first meal of the day, I'll often eat it for dinner) - cereal (usually Wegman's Corn Squares, although occasionally I'll substitute Cheerios), yogurt (Wegman's fat-free fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt. 80 or 90 calories a serving. Today's flavor - lemon (my favorite)) and raisins, with a latte on the side (made with sugar-free syrup, generally vanilla, and fat-free milk). I know that most people would be bored by eating the same thing every day, but I find it comforting to have something that I know will be tasty, filling and satisfying, as well as healthy and reasonably low-calorie.

This might not work for everybody. But it works for me. And if it ain't broke, there's no reason to change it ;)

And yes, I do eat in front of my computer most days. Again, this might not work for everybody. But for me, especially when I'm alone in the house, this is the place where I feel the most comfortable.
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