08/09/2010 by skt


Just wanted to let everyone know my Big News! I won another Hallmark Contest...Yippee!!!!!!!!! It's a Get Well card and the contest is called Crack Em Up...so I guess I cracked em up and they picked me as one of the winners. It went on sale today online and it will be awhile before I find out if I win the second round to be sold in stores. I'm gonna keep my paws crossed. I could always use some more treats...I mean Mom could always use the extra cash...to buy me some more treats : ) Here's a link to the site if you want to see the card. http://www.hallmarkcontests.com/page/CONTESTS/contest/CrackEmUp
Aw congrats. You rock
August 10th, 2010  
Whooo hoooooo, how fantastic is that! Well done :)
August 10th, 2010  
Great job Lincoln!!! Congrats to you and your Mom!! :)
August 10th, 2010  
yay you!! that is awesome!! you deserve it!
August 10th, 2010  
yay! congrats!!!
August 10th, 2010  
Wow cool and funny.
August 10th, 2010  
Congrats .....This is sooo exciting that you have won again; You deserve it.
August 10th, 2010  
YEAH FOR YOU. Lincoln!
August 10th, 2010  
Congrats and well deserved!!!
August 10th, 2010  
Congrats! And cute cards and pic today!
August 10th, 2010  
Congrats!!!! Love the card!!!!
August 10th, 2010  
I hope all this fame and fortune doesn't go to your head...you seem to be handling it fine !!!!!
August 10th, 2010  
Congratulations, Lincoln - you're adorable!
August 10th, 2010  
Aww he is adoarble, and of course he won!!!
August 10th, 2010  
Well, it's no surprise to us that you won another contest, Lincoln. In our eyes, you should win every single one of them! What a great honor, for you and for your Mom. I see lots of treats in your future ... and hopefully lots of cash in your Mom's. :-)
August 10th, 2010  
wow!!! congratulations!!!! :) you deserve it!
August 10th, 2010  
Congratulations! You are a star!
August 10th, 2010  
Yay! Congratualations!!!! You'd really cheer me up seeing you on the front of a card!
August 10th, 2010  
Congratulations, you handle your success with grace.
August 10th, 2010  
That's awesome news! Of course, I think you and your family should have your own line of cards; not just one or two :-)
August 10th, 2010  
Congratulations!!!! Lincoln, I hope you don't forget all of your 365 pals when you are rich and famous. :)
August 10th, 2010  
The first time you showed us Lincoln in those glasses I could see you had a star in the making (again!) Congratulations! I can't imagine you won't win the final round... Personally, I think your doggies could have a line of cards of their own! If 365 is representative of the population at large, Hallmark should look at the hit you've created here! (We're so excited for you!)
August 11th, 2010  
Congratulations...it's a GREAT card!
August 11th, 2010  
Congratulations! That's so cool! funny photo too. :) This ones really neat!
August 13th, 2010  
Congrats - You keep this up and next year's beach vacation will be on you!
August 13th, 2010  
Congrats!! That's really exciting!
October 4th, 2010  
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