The Old Dead Tree by soboy5

The Old Dead Tree

"The old dead tree stood
gnarled weather torn;
its limbs were now brittle.
What stories could it tell
of the centuries it had lived,
the passing lives it had seen,
and the storms it had weathered
when it was young and strong."

Excerpt from a poem by David Harris.

This is image number four in my March "Walk in the Woods" series. Every image from this series is SOOC with no edits, no crops, no post processing of any sort, not even resizing. Literally straight out of the camera.
nice light ...
March 13th, 2016  
Well done for not altering this in any way Danny. Super shades of autumn, illuminated by that shaft of light coming through.
March 13th, 2016  
Great shot, tones, textures, light
March 13th, 2016  
Fav! Lovely light and earthy tones
March 13th, 2016  
Nice tones and textures.
March 13th, 2016  
Great shot, Danny.
March 13th, 2016  
Great shot
March 13th, 2016  
Love the golden tones and the design of the downed tree!
March 13th, 2016  
Nice shot and lovely poem. The dead tree looks like a magnificent sculpture in the woods.
March 13th, 2016  
Wonderful shot and words:)!
March 13th, 2016  
TOTAL Instant FAV~
March 14th, 2016  
Love the autumnal colours Danny! Great sooc.
March 14th, 2016  
Beautiful capture. Love the poem.
March 14th, 2016  
Super composition.
March 15th, 2016  
Great textures and tones, a super composition
March 15th, 2016  
love this, there is so much to see
March 17th, 2016  
looks great!
March 18th, 2016  
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