Not just any trainbow, an airplane-trainbow...sadly ten seconds after I put my camera away, a small airplane came flying under the rainbow. That would have been epic like the Iliad.
I had to do some color editing to get the rainbow to really stand out, but I think it's cool how it makes the picture look kind of old.
Edit: What's really exciting me about this picture is that it's the perfect contrast to this picture: It was one of the first pictures I took for this project. Today's picture it taken from the train yard you can see from that picture. I just like how the same place can convey such different feelings.
Hi Stephomy! As you know I'm your get pushed challenge for this week. My challende for you is to create a minimalistic shot. Hope you'll have fun with it! Merry Christmas :)
CLEVER title for your image, and amazing how the two photographs represent the same place so differently. I like how this one almost feels like vintage toy camera in how you have used color here.