Day 154, Year 5 - Poppets Playing In The Park by stevecameras

Day 154, Year 5 - Poppets Playing In The Park

This is a very candid snap of my daughter Alexis and her cousin Jude paying in the park at the beginning of the month. I didn;t really take too many shots due t having too much fun and enjoying the day. I should have at least taken some nice family shots but I don't want to act like an official photographer.....

3 good things:

1 - Excellent fun with my family at Eaton Park in Norwich
2 - Great weather during the day
3 - A lovely swim on my own with Alexis toward the end of the day
It is always important not to let taking photographs stop you from being there and enjoying the experience! There has to be a balance. - But taking photos is such fun!!
June 23rd, 2017  
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