211114 by sudweeks


Jack, Maggie and Becca all tested positive for Covid, so we had to stay home from church today, and all the kids will have to stay home from school all next week. Since Becca isn't feeling well, they're going to be getting more screen time than normal.
Oh dear, sorry to hear this. I hope you, Maggie and Matt stay negative
December 3rd, 2021  
@kjarn -oops, it was Maggie, Jack and Becca that first tested positive. (Just updated the description) I think Maggie probably got it from school. Elizabeth tested positive a week later. Me and Matt somehow avoided so far, but Elizabeth is considered contagious until Tuesday. Luckily the kids barely had any symptoms at all, and everyone is feeling better already.
December 3rd, 2021  
Hope everybody feels better soon - and the rest of you don't catch it!
December 3rd, 2021  
That makes more sense, I was wondering why Maggie was lying next to Jack when only Jack was positive. Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better
December 3rd, 2021  
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