Frequently Asked Questions
365 Projects are simple, you take one photo every day for a year. It can be anything, something you've done, a self portrait, your shoes! Anything! Some people even do album work for their favourite song that day.
Yes 365 Project is free for you to use. There is the option to purchase an Ace Membership which gives you extra features.
Anyone can join, the more the merrier, please invite all your friends!
365 Project is more an aim to document your life, whilst most people try to do it every day, we dont mind if you miss a day or two here and there.
A little guy called
Ross Scrivener, a web developer from Ipswich who loves to take photographs.
Currently you can upload JPEG, GIF and PNG files. All files uploaded should be under 5MB in size.
Are you sure you haven't uploaded it for the wrong date? Like February 2010 rather than 2011. Check.
As long as your account is active, your photos are safe. If you have stopped using the site after a while you may receive an email asking if you want to keep your photos on 365 Project, all you have to do is say yes and they will not be removed. This is to keep the site running quickly and smoothly. If you choose to delete a photo or your account the photo will be removed immediately, we support your privacy and will not hold photos you no longer wish to be on the website.
Go to the photo in question, there is an "Edit" button, click that and there is a delete box, tick that, hit save and your photo will be removed immediately.
Occasionally for some reason your photo may not upload correctly. Try it again and if it still fails try using the basic uploader.. if that doesn't work either, please get in contact with us.
365 Project limits the number of photos you can hold on a Free account. The number depends on a few criteria, you will always have access to at least your last 365 images. If we do limit your account you can still access your photos by upgrading to an Ace Membership account.
Facebook have kindly deleted the 365project app, it is therefore no longer available.
It has updated but your web browser has cached the old version, refresh the page, using Ctrl+F5 or through your web browsers settings and you'll see the new version.
We'd be grateful to hear about it.
Get in touch, try and provide as much detail as possible about what went wrong.
We want 365 Project to improve as much as you do, please send new feature requests, or alterations to existing ones to me..
Get in touch.
365 Project is developed and situated in England, therefore we like to spell things the English way.. we're considering work on making 365 Project multilingual, until then pretend to be British! ;-)
If you're 100% sure, go to your accounts page and there is a link on the left hand side -
Account Settings The deletion of an account can not be un-done!
Some discussion threads can get really long, and include hundreds of pictures, to speed things up a little only the last 20 comments are shown by default, you can easily click the little link to see all the other replies still.
To find people you know type in their name to the search box at the top, then down the left hand side you can choose to filter your search to just other users, click the users link and hopefully you'll find who you're looking for.
Here are a few basic rules for entering a photo in to a theme / competition:
- Your entry must have been uploaded for a day within the time frame specified.
- Your entry must be uploaded and tagged before the specified closing date
- Photos not related to the theme / competition will be removed
Quite right, that is how most countries in the world organise their calendars, so do we here at 365 Project.
No, it doesn't work the way you think it works - for a good reason, it doesn't matter that you have a bazillion favs and a jizillion followers, just get on with your project and try not to worry about it. Please don't email me about it, I wont tell you, search the discussion boards, there are loads of conspiracy theories about it.
The site is lovingly made by
Ross Scrivener a
freelance web developer in Ipswich, Suffolk. He makes this site as a part-time hobby whilst working on web development projects for clients. He has a passion for photography and loves that he can combine his skills to make a great online community.