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I am a working wife, grandmother and mom.
We have 8 grandchildren, so look out - they will defiantly make their way into my 365 Challenge.
I sling bling (Paparazzi jewelry) on the side and have always loved photography.
A few years ago I completed a 365 using just my IPhone, that Christmas my husband bought me a Nicon 3400.
The next year I completed another 365 using my new camera.
The site I used was not maintained well and is now gone.
I LOVE photography and have missed my camera and the joy it brings me - so I'm back to do another 365.
I would love to hear from people. I am not a professional, just an enthusiastic point and snap.
I enjoy learning new techniques and letting the world take me by storm.
Nothing is safe from me with a camera in my hand!