Sunflower Sunset by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

Sunflower Sunset

No apologies for more sunflower shots. Went back to pick another 10 and take a zillion shots of the setting sun. I was distracted by an ear of corn for a couple of minutes, and getting bokeh shots of it with hay bales behind it.

Thank you again for all your lovely comments on yesterday's photos.
Lovely shot.
July 26th, 2018  
Lovely sunset and colors are beautiful
July 26th, 2018  
July 26th, 2018  
July 27th, 2018  
Wonderful - Instant calm! Fav.
July 27th, 2018  
Beautiful colors and I love all those sunflowers.
July 27th, 2018  
Simply gorgeous on black. Fav.
July 27th, 2018  
Nice locale for a sunset photo
July 27th, 2018  
A wonderful composition and capture of all the lovely tones, fav!
July 27th, 2018  
@ludwigsdiana thank you Diana, it was quite serene
@amyk so pretty too, thank you
@joysabin I'll look on black in a mo, thank you
@mittens they'll be over by tomorrow, if not flattened by forecast storms
@linnypinny so calm, it was lovely, thank you
@Dawn it was, thank you
@joansmor v kind, thank you
@cocobella and colours as nature set them too! Thank you
@gillian1912 many thanks

We met the farmer when he came to empty the honesty box. He planted £10.00 of seeds to have as the backdrop for his wedding photographs, last month, but they weren't open enough!
July 27th, 2018  
Fab = fav!
July 27th, 2018  
Beautiful, my auntie was an artist and she loved painting sunflowers. I can imagine her setting up her easel for this scene.
July 27th, 2018  
Lovely sunset capture with the sunflowers shame about the photos for the farmer.
July 27th, 2018  
July 28th, 2018  
Lovely shot
July 28th, 2018  
This is lovely! So peaceful!
July 28th, 2018  
@kchuk thank you, it's all gone now!!
@4rky many thanks
@olivetreeann ohhh thank you
@wendyfrost he was ok with it, raking v in the £££s
@onewing van Gogh comes to mind!!
@quietpurplehaze thank you x
July 28th, 2018  
This is great - love your composition.
July 29th, 2018  
Wowy sunshiny comp!
July 29th, 2018  
@stimuloog it just looked good through viewfinder so I clicked
@robz had been doing close-ups and tried this, so glad you like it.

Thank you both x
July 30th, 2018  
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