Part Five: The Wondrous Adventures with the Grinning Fur-Dragon Wannabe
Journal Entry: This early morning, with tales of Dream-Dragons abounding in my head, I set out on a treacherous hike in search of another monster, always a Dragon Possibility. "Treacherous" began, even as my photographer set about to join me on the trail. Making arrangements for a low vantage point photo shot, my heart stopped when she fell off her camp stool and began yelling things unmentionable! The Bwana who sees to her needs was away for the morning, enjoying some manly outdoor sport with ball & club, so, but for me (too small to be of much help), she assessed the damages and bravely pulled herself together to assist me, back to looking out for others smaller than herself. I mulled over my dream as we rounded the watering hole and headed for the mountain (starting out from the Valley of Fountains as we were). With determination to see this through and engage the Grinning Beast, I thought little of the arduous trek and knew I must be getting close when the air filled with smoke and a cave lay ahead. Smoke, I've learned, is another sign of Dragon presence, and so it was the creature I'd seen in my dream, sprung from the cave with cat-like grace and engaged me in conversation! "Where do you go and whom do you seek?" he asked, his voice silky smooth like a purr. "I'm on an adventure and I seek The Dragon". He grinned widely at me, having a bit of a c'est moi moment... "Every adventure requires a first step. Trite but true." (I'd heard these words before and began to think he was toying with me...) "Let your "need" guide your behavior...", he went on, his words familiar and seeing him as I was, as though through a looking glass. "Return to camp and make contact with your future home in the Land of Chicago. There will be a message waiting for you, the very thing of which you seek!" Could this be the message I sought and the fulfillment of my dream's prophecy? Indeed here was the creature I'd imagined so vividly and he'd given me a message!
While eager to return to camp, I thought best to watch my footing and not rush my photographer. I now felt an answer was near and The Dragon would at last reveal himself. I'd faced the many monsters, bigger than I, and, by being polite and engaging them in conversation, I found them to be friendly and often helpful. Being young, with much to learn, this was an excellent lesson. When I reach the Land of Chicago, I think that now I'll be a better pinguino and companion to the young Master. My heart was happy, and I was ready to go retrieve my message... An "x" and an "o" to my patient reader (that would be *you*), P dP