Here is Trapper doing what he loves best...sticking his head through our fence and whooping at...who knows?! There IS an alley behind us that sometimes people and or dogs walk down. But, usually, we can't tell what sets him off. LOL He expends a lot of energy daily doing this, then sleeps like a champ all night long.
@milaniet You know it, Milanie, and his loud whoop ensures that half of Dixon (our community is very small) knows he is awake for the day. Thankfully, he almost never whoops when I first let him out each morning (anywhere between 3:30 and 5 a.m. and while still dark)! We also don't leave him out overnight or else NO ONE would get any sleep and we'd probably have a lot of increasingly hostile neighbors!
@olivetreeann You're so right, Ann! He just can't restrain himself. LOL Ken said it's reminiscent of the Elvis song "You Aint Nothin' But A Hound Dog, Cryin' All the Time..."