Pondering the Outside World... by bjywamer

Pondering the Outside World...

Now that warmer weather has arrived Jasmine likes to sit at the screen door and watch the birds which come to the feeder on our back deck. Just have to keep an eye on her so she doesn't leap onto the screen if a little birdie ventures too close. :-)
April 21st, 2020  
I love this.
April 21st, 2020  
She looks totally absorbed in her 'watch'
April 21st, 2020  
Awesome shot... Jasmine looks sort of angry!
April 21st, 2020  
@amyk @mittens Thanks, ladies! Almost didn't post it, as It's not the greatest shot, but I like the story behind it. :-)
April 21st, 2020  
@calm She definitely gets "fixated" on the many, many sparrows that flock to our feeder multiple times each day.
April 21st, 2020  
@kvphoto Ha, ha! That's her normal look. I think most Persian cats have that "glare". I don't think she resents being inside and unable to actually go after those birds, however, as she has shown herself to be too timid to step outside the safety of the house.
April 21st, 2020  
Cute shot
April 23rd, 2020  
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