A spectacularly beautiful morning - a thick frost over everything and the sun rising over the gallery and a vague mistiness in the air.
Very busy at work so glad to get out this evening and pop into the E17 Designers Christmas market in the village. Lots of interesting bits and pieces but didn't buy much - enjoyed the cup of mulled cider though.
Home to chips and catching up with the second series of Twenty Twelve - laugh out loud funny at times and horribly reminiscent of work ...
Fav for me - love this and I've missed mist this year - we've only really done dull so far. 2012 reminds me of a series they had on a while ago (can't remember the name) but they used to call meetings and boss the secretary around demanding coffee etc then somebody would say, 'We're not really having a meeting are we?' and they'd just sit there eating the biscuits and nodding a bit so that anybody walking past the frosted glass would think they were important.