I'm probably as addicted to Metallic Green Bees as I am butterflies. I couldn't resist taking pics of this one today. I realize that each day might be the last for insects, so I'm going to get as many as I can while the weather holds out.
Thank you for your comments on yesterday's mantid! I didn't see it today. I hope the cats didn't either. :0)
I've always been under the thought process that I should post something that I might not get again for awhile, as opposed to posting something that I could take every day. Nice capture.
I love these metalic looking bugs too. They are so pretty. I haven't seen any insects lately except for gnats and fruit flies. Beautiful colors in your picture.
I don't think we have them here. They are certainly very pretty and obviosly do a good job with the pollinating. I shall be sad when your insect season ends. Lovely shot.