2012's 49 Most Spine Chilling Photos.... so far!

September 11th, 2012


I did do a search but couldn't find a thread for this so I had to share!

Blue Gnu :)
September 11th, 2012
thanks @thebluegnu - they are fab shots, love the waterfall with the greenery going down, and the merging of the 2 rivers
September 11th, 2012
wow those photos are amazing, stunning! Thanks for sharing :)
September 11th, 2012
Amazing! The snake (23) is brilliant.

(But why does the Mexican bus have Japanese characters on its destination board?)
September 11th, 2012
@carmel Well spotted - haven't got a clue unless, it's not Japanese but Mayan? I do ♥ all the knitting!
September 11th, 2012
Wow, those are fantastic! thanks for posting!
September 11th, 2012
The size of that whale is breathtaking, lovely link
September 11th, 2012
Certainly great photos! Wouldn't really call them "spine chilling", though.
September 11th, 2012
@pschtyckque Agree - thought it was an odd title too. Maybe 'breathtaking' would be more appropriate.
September 11th, 2012
@thebluegnu exactly. The only one I would really call spine chilling is the shot of the parachutist in space.

You know what they say: exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement. ;-)
September 11th, 2012
Oh, wow! Thanks for sharing!!
September 11th, 2012
wonderful, thanks for sharing!
September 12th, 2012
Cool shots, but not really spine tingling. I liked the one of the jets taking off from the airport
September 12th, 2012
September 12th, 2012
The Bee sting! Wow. So many of them are just THE BEST things I have seen in a long time! Thanks for sharing.
September 12th, 2012
Awesome pictures- I don't think I've ever seen sleeping whales before!
September 12th, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed them, thanks for sharing :)
September 12th, 2012
There are some fabulous photos there although not sure they were spine chilling.
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