Is the concept of "critique" a myth here on 365?

January 12th, 2012
I told my latest photography teacher that I joined 365project and he laughed and said...."has anybody critiqued your photos? Or, are they all stroking you?" "good point...", I say.

So this makes me think ...what is the point of doing this if people are just going to say nice things???? (guilty as charged, btw!).

I am here to learn, so let me have it!
January 12th, 2012
maybe it's kind of a myth...I find that if I ask a direct question in my narrative, then I'll get very helpful critique and suggestions. Otherwise, we tend to encourage each other. I keep doing it because it's fun and I do think I am improving.
January 12th, 2012
@vskolnik I just went through all of your pictures (good stuff, btw, not to stroke you or anything) and you haven't asked for critiques on any of them. You also haven't noted on your profile that you want critiques.

People around here won't generally offer unsolicited critiques - sort of an unwritten rule, for lack of a better word. You don't know if the person wants them or is going to be put off by them. And, yes, there's a lot of stroking that goes on around here. We like to stroke. :)

So, if you want critiques, mention that in your captions. You might also tag your photos "critique-me". A note in your profile won't hurt, either.

Best of luck!
January 12th, 2012
Only one or two people critique my photos, they are good friends who I know are trying to help me improve.
Shelly is right, if you tag your photos critique me, or put in your profile that you welcome critique, you will get it. I'm always happy to critique if invited to.

Otherwise you tend to find people comment who love your pictures, and those who feel you could improve on it stay quiet :)
January 12th, 2012
i'm new in this.. but i guess the reason why a community like this exists is to encourage each other. We have our own reasons for taking pictures and a community like this usually even gives us more reasons to take pictures (on a daily basis that is). And the more we take take pictures, the more we learn... and getting better at taking photos is an add-on experience in this community...

A critique should not always be negative... sometimes it takes its most positive form of a "that's a great shot!" or "Instant Fab" then gives you more reasons to take pictures... and we may not notice it..but our photos gets better and better...

so i guess.. we still learn more... :)
January 12th, 2012
Three years of photo school left me addicted to critique, so I often have to stop myself getting carried away. It's good to mix it up too, not every photo calls for an in-depth analysis - it can get a bit tiresome. I think you have to read between the lines as well. On a site like this where the emphasis is on encouragement what's not being said can be very instructive!

Follow btw, I might stop by for a bit of practice ;)
January 12th, 2012
There are plenty of people willing to critique just about anything: your photos: your life: the hat you bought last week.

Critiqueing something is an opinion of how they could or you could do something different. While it can be positive in nature it tends to view the world from a negative comparitive lens.

Encouragement is much the same, but from a more positive perspective. If someone says nice lighting, don't you think I wonder how I could make that even better.

I find this journey is pushing me to want to try new things in ways that someone telling how my photos are now very amateurish, would not.

Plus I'm sure if you write - please critique - in your postings, you will get some very honest, but not overly cruel, feedback. This seems to be a very positive place to learn and grow.

January 12th, 2012
I will offer a suggestion occasionally, but most oriole here are doing this for fun. I know when I have less comments on a photo that it was not a true hit. Also follow people who do critique.
January 12th, 2012
Most comments are finding the positive things about your shot, or noting improvement in a certain area, or cheering you on to finish the project itself, since the main point of the site is to " post a pic a day to journal a year in your life." I have had people say things like "I wonder what it would look like if you cropped it in a square" or "have you thought about trying that in b and w?" and things like that. If I asked for critique in my introduction on my profile page, I'd probably get more. And as someone said above....I also can learn from watching people's work, reading how they got ideas or shots, etc....
January 12th, 2012
@brumbe Orioles? Gurl, check your auto correct! :)

Also, this right here, "I know when I have less comments on a photo that it was not a true hit." This is totally the gauge I use, too. I know my main following peeps pretty well, and I can tell when I'm not hitting the mark by this fact alone. I love it - just makes me try harder. :)
January 12th, 2012
@beautifulthing I love the Baltimore Orioles, so glad you mentioned them. Hey, I critiqued your photo today. Oriole may mean people on a kindle.
January 12th, 2012
@msk1p2 @beautifulthing @minxymissk @shoot4art @dieter @brumbe @espyetta Thank you all for replying...I am trying to feel my way around here and your comments have been truly informative.

I , too, feel that when there are no comments, it means "something". I guess I'd just like to know what that "something" is exactly! Am I right?!
So, now I know...ask and ye shall receive :)
January 12th, 2012
There is a crit section right here in the forums. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that 365 is not designed for the purposes of crit, and if people started critiquing everyone a lot of people would quit (because they're not here for that). Use the crit forum, and/or specifically ask for crit in the descriptions of any photos you want crit on.

Also, few people here are pro photogs or have studied formally. That's not to say they can't say what they do and do not like, but the value of any critique needs to be taken into account.

If you want solid crit, every time, try ILP. I'm actually a bit put-off by your description of your teacher laughing - they seem to fail to understand the purpose of 365. I am a pro photog. I have membership to a closed forum of other pro photogs, and that's where I go for crit because I know it is always going to be honest, valuable, and sensitive. While I love this community here, I know it is not the place to get what I need in regards to that.
January 12th, 2012
This is a terrible discussion topic. ; )
January 12th, 2012
@jinximages very good points
January 12th, 2012
January 12th, 2012
I for one find it impolite to give a critique if someone hasn't asked for one, you will find a lot of people don't want to hear it and really don't care, they just want to have some fun.

I do find however most of the comments are very positive, which is fantastic as sometimes taking a photo everyday is hard and you don't want to kick someone in the guts so they give up.

For me I don't post my best photographic work here as it doesn't capture my life.... Its not my story of my life, its just who or what I took a photo of. If I post a photo of a dead rat that just happen to be very special to me but the photo is crap. Here is where I will post it as here is my photographic diary. I am not here to win awards just document the next 12 months one day at a time.

Now I am more than happy to comment on a photo if someone ask, and I am more than happy to help out if someone asks, heck if your teacher wants me to comment on his/her photos I am also happy to do that... he he he
January 12th, 2012
I'm with the general consensus, if you want critique , say "lay it on me!" Otherwise this is meant to be a supportive and encouraging place for displaying your photography, and in many instances it is done as a' finding joy in everyday life' type exercise for people...naturally enough the people who work their's like that would not want you ripping into their lighting and focus!
Also, sounds to me like that photography teacher intends to critique you enough already, you may need some serious stroking on here after he gets through with you!
January 12th, 2012
It actually was a critique me site, but quickly turned into a community of friends.....if ya want critiques, just say it and it shall be done!
January 12th, 2012
I will say that this has been a good way for you to get 365ers to look at your photos!! Good job. Now there's a true critique!
January 12th, 2012
The best "critique" for me was to look at all the great pictures taken by other people and to be inspired by them. I am still a lousy photographer but now I know where I want to go.
January 12th, 2012
@vskolnikHi Vee I just went through your shots. You have a great eye and I am looking forward to seeing your work this year. Feel free to take a look at any of my photos and to give me any comments on what you think
January 12th, 2012
I think that 'to praise all is to praise nothing' so agree with the points above, more comments=more people found something good to say=better photo. I would never dream of criticising someone else's photo unless they asked me. I take the view that most people aren't professionals with whizzy equipment, many offer their best or something personal and most are here to share and be inspired - as am I. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
January 12th, 2012
It's definitely not a myth, if you ask for it. I get regular critical feedback by @janmaki , @wadey and @kammy and if I specifically ask for critique, I get it from even more people. But, as someone else said, you will realize by the positive responses as well what is good about your photos (if many of them mention the composition, it's porbably good) and what could be improved (if not many people comment or the light, for example, is not commented on at all).
January 12th, 2012
@jinximages @jarrettbates @beautifulthing @agima @traceysday @tjramutkowski @buttercup @equinoxe @bkbinthecity @filsie65 @jannaellen Thank you all so much for your all makes sense to me and I appreciate that you took the time to respond.
January 12th, 2012
i'm glad you created this thread as it's been on my mind since after my 10th photo or so. I love giving criticisms, but only if it is prompted for i.e. posted in the critiques board as others have mentioned.

If you look at the demographic of 365, there are a lot of "family" mums/dads (and kids for that matter) who were gifted a camera and are casually in love with photography and just want to take pretty pictures to share. There is nothing wrong with this.

P.S. every once in a while i'll post my photos onto 4chan, it's not always the most constructive criticisms. But it's a good way to burst my own bubble everytime i think i'm 2cool4sk00l.
January 12th, 2012
Sorry...I critique...but only after I have been following someone for a while and am confident that they will accept my critiques. Mostly this has been very well received...but not always...and makes me a tad reticent.
January 12th, 2012
@equinoxe You are far from a lousy photographer! In fact, quite the opposite!
January 12th, 2012
There are many different kinds of critique which can range from observations around technique and style to those which read the content of the image as a semiotic or narrative: political, feminist, economic, social, trope, allegory, etc. I find critique based in what is read often more interesting than a technical analysis because it is often an account which is subjectively signified for the reader.
January 12th, 2012
There are plenty of sites for critique if you want strong critiques. I have learned from this site by encouragement and example. Also if you ask there are some really talented people who will critique. Ask for what you want.
January 12th, 2012
@lisjam1 Thank you so much - I stop being too modest :-).
@vskolnik Looking forward to your pictures :-).
January 12th, 2012
I think it's a myth. I tagged my photos "critique-me" for a couple of months and received 0 critiques. I finally gave up because it wasn't worth the effort. I do keep it in my profile info that I'd like to have critiques, but so far nothing.

I'm not complaining. There are times I wouldn't have continued without the encouragement of other 365ers. The encouragement and wonderful talent here has led me to try new things. I also think the act of taking a photo each day has improved my photography. My beginning photos are embarrassing. I have lots of off days (yessterday, the day before), but occasionally I've taken photos I'm proud of. I know I wouldn't have progressed with out the practice, encouragement, and inspiration of 365. So, yeah, 365 has a point (for me, anyway)
January 12th, 2012
@jinximages What is ILP?
January 12th, 2012
Oh, also many members are not trained or professional and they sometimes feel uncomfortable giving critique since they are learning themselves.
January 12th, 2012
I did a digital photography course with the Open University a little while back and part of it involved critique-ing images taken by other students. It proved a real challenge to pitch comments just right - not too critical, concentrating on being helpful and encouraging. A lot of students admitted that they just didn't bother to critique other images at all because they felt they had nothing constructive to say. If you truly want to learn, you also need to learn to accept constructive critique.
January 13th, 2012
@herussell ILP = I Love Photography :)

It is specifically for child photography, but you'll see "off-topic" material too.
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