do you have a system for viewing?

February 19th, 2012
I'm in approximately the last two months of my first year on 365. Over time I've naturally followed more people and I'm up to 60-some now; many of them are not currently posting so the daily views are really fewer than that. Though, on the other hand, many have 2 or 3 albums, so . . . I've made a personal commitment to really looking at what anyone I follow posts every day and I typically comment on most of them. It's kind of overwhelming - if I go more than 24 hrs. without viewing/commenting, it can take me a couple of hours to go through them. If I keep up every day, it takes me at least an hour. I do love seeing the photos and hope that I learn something from looking at all the wonderful work, but I'm having serious reservations about continuing next year when it seems like other important things in my life have been set aside to make this happen.

I'm not looking for philosophy of life and 365 type answers, but if anyone has developed tricks or personal systems for handling this, I'd appreciate hearing about them. My newest trick is to open in another tab which saves me the time of getting back to my last viewed place and going on from there; maybe there are some I haven't thought of - hoping that is the case.

February 19th, 2012
Well into my second year here. and started back to work full time. so I have hardly anytime to post my own photos , so forget looking at and commenting on EVERYONE that I follow..

If someone comments of my photo I will most likely respond to that.. sometimes I dont . and then I will go and look at their photo and sometimes comment. I feel that just because I follow someone,, I dont have to comment on EVERY photo they post.. mainly because most of the time it doesnt grab me in some way.. when Im making a comment its because I feel something for the pic...

Its nothing against all the people I follow, its just that with a child and full time job and an illness that wont quit , I make the effort when I can, and Im ok with that.. and I think most of the people I follow or follow me are ok with that too.
February 19th, 2012
When you mention overwhelming, I would think twice about your method. Are you really benefiting from commenting on a majority of the pictures? Do others return the favor? You may benefit from viewing more photos instead of commenting on them. In my opinion, it shouldn't be a chore that takes time from what you really want to do. But if that's what you want to do, please continue to do so.

Just like it's your own project to do with as you wish, you can choose how you interact with the community. I've probably burned a couple of bridges, but I can't please everyone.
February 19th, 2012
I use my friends list instead of the dashboard. I start at the bottom and click on that person to go to their pic. When I'm finished, I just click back on my browser and it takes me back to the same place in the list. This is so much faster for me. I know the people that post in more than one album and I try to look at those, too. When I'm finished with the list, I look on my dashboard to see if anyone has posted, while I was looking at other pics. I hope this makes sense.
February 19th, 2012
@cjwhite - that's just what i was requesting - tips/tricks - thanks so much, this sounds like it will work much faster; i really appreciate you taking the time to help with this :)
February 19th, 2012
If I am crunched for time, I open up my last shot and then hold the control key down as I click on people's names. That opens up the commenter's projects to their last shot. I look at the photo, read their captions and then quickly write a comment that shows I looked and read. Then I hit reply. While that is loading, I click on the next tab and do the same. After I have commented on everyone, then I go back through and close the tabs. It's very fast and efficient and then I don't waste any time as the site uploads my reply.

It is daunting and hard to keep up around here. I often think of giving up 365, but I have learned so much and am trying to keep learning, so I stick around for now. But I want to have time to actually take and process my images and sometimes I find 365 getting in the way of that. I hope you find something that works for you! Cheers!
February 19th, 2012
When I have the least time, i do the same as Courtney, just above. Using the command/control key is a lot easier than right clicking to open a new tab. Using the commenter's list on your last pic at least keeps you up to date with those in your "community".

When I have a little more time, I use Carolyn's method, going through my friend's list or follower's list, holding down the command/control key while clicking on their name. That opens a tab for their last pic in their main album.

When I have lots of time, I use the "home" feed, and again, hold down the command/control key a click on the thumbnail to open it.

Hope that helps.
February 20th, 2012
Myself, I try my darnedest to keep up. But it is impossible all the time. I take joy in knowing I made at least one persons day. I use my iPhone through the day during down times to help keep up. That's my trick.
February 20th, 2012
@cfitzgerald thanks for the tip Courtney - I too had wondered if there was a more manageable method. :)
February 20th, 2012
@cjwhite @cfitzgerald @sunnygreenwood @rumonkey -

thanks to all of you for sharing your methods - I'm sure I can use all of these at various times; I may even be able to add some friends to follow with all the time I'm going to free up by being smarter about how I look at all the photos I love to see
February 20th, 2012
i generally start with what's on my home tab, starting with wherever i know i left off if i'm up to date, and starting with today if i'm not... and i probably won't look back before today unless i happen to see something in the thumbnails of an album that is of particular interest...

if i am feeling pressed for time, i probably:

- will only glance at one photo per person, as opposed to two or three if they have more than one album going...

- won't comment on photos of posters who have a gazillion followers and already 20+ comments... unlikely i will have anything new to say, and i try to save energy to comment on those with few followers and/or comments...

and while i do try to look at ALL the photos, i will likely spend more time looking at photos that reflect things i am working on (negative space, photoshop, landscapes, macro, whatever)...

i work full time and have 3 kids at home... my husband often travels for work and between one thing and another, some days are truly nutty...

February 20th, 2012
I try to just open up to the feed and start commenting, although I am not always able to get as far as I like....sometimes i click on my last photo(@cfitzgerald) and comment on those that have posted on my work:)
February 20th, 2012
I hear ya, it can be very time consuming but I really like what I've learned here and the community of people I've "met".
February 20th, 2012
I'm 42 days into year two and towards the end of year one I found the commenting was taking me so much time I almost didn't do year two. But this project brings me so much joy that I would hate to give it up. Finding quick ways to comment is a bit beside the point to me. I'd rather really look at photos and have close relationships with a few people than superficial ones with alot of people.

The way I handle commenting now is that I open my photo from the day before and comment on those who commented on my photo. If I have time, I go back to the day before that to see if I missed anybody. I rarely comment from the daily feed because so many of the people that I followed early on never became part of my "circle." Also, it really drove me crazy when people would post five or six photos in a row to catch up.

But sometimes I get sidetracked when making a comment on one friend's photo and see another friend's comment. So I hit those people from the friend's page. I don't think there is any one right way to do it. It's your project, so have fun!
February 20th, 2012
I alternate between going through my list of friends, which I try to keep to a manageable number, 50-60, and going through comments on my most recent posts and reciprocating anyone else who's commented.

If I just stick to "friends" I'd miss out on all the new people, but if I only comment on those who've commented on me, I think I'd end up having a lot of people drop off. I know a lot of people have so many they are following that it's easy to have someone drop off the radar.
February 20th, 2012
@northy @lauriehiggins @mikew - thanks for your suggestions - i'm so pleased that I really did find some approaches to get me through and carry me into year two.
February 20th, 2012
@4stories - missed you in the thank yous - thanks for taking the time and for the help you provided. :) Wish I'd pursued this question earlier - I'm so compulsive I just plow through one by one and it's begun to take over my life.
February 26th, 2012
@cfitzgerald @sunnygreenwood I just learned something! I was right clicking and 'open in new tab' Ctrl is better Thanks!!!
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