March 15th, 2012
I took this shot a couple of weeks ago and quite liked it but wanted to adjust the colour to get a soft, vintage-y feel. Only trouble is, I haven't a clue how to go about it! I've tried playing in Piknik, but hated the results. I have Piknik and Gimp, but am a Gimp novice. If anyone wants to have a play then 'walk me through' the processing, I'd be really grateful.
March 15th, 2012
i'd stick with picnik and have a play with the sliders in the 60's setting - have you had a play with that one?
March 15th, 2012
@kmrtn6 - Ohh, no, last time I played with that I got a sepia effect, plus rounded edges and whatnot, but it was ages ago and I didn't realise there were other options. I'll check it out, thanks! But I'd really like to learn a bit more about using Gimp too....
March 15th, 2012
@jenirainbow yeah there are wuite a few if you scroll down on the left and at the moment - cos the site is closing- all the members area is accessible so stuff you would have paid for is free - woo hoo - so knock yourself out with it while you can xx
March 15th, 2012
I'll give it a go in Picnik, see if I get the results you want, then tell you what I did......
March 15th, 2012
to get a decent retro look it pays to play with curves, here is a step by step picture tutorial for getting the effect in gimp
March 15th, 2012
As there are a few different vintage feels you can do to an image do you have an exampl?
March 15th, 2012
is this what you had in mind?
March 15th, 2012
Obviously this thread was not started by me, but thanks for posting that link Lee, it will come in handy for me as well.
March 15th, 2012
March 15th, 2012
March 15th, 2012
I use Picassa 3 for all my editing I really dont like Piknik-You can google Picassa 3 and download it free I love it
March 15th, 2012
In Picassa 3 I softened and then did Vignette and added a border and then edited the colors of the border and then added sepia and then softened again and this was the result Hope you like it
March 15th, 2012
What amazing post processing! I will have to remember this next time I need help getting a certain look!
March 15th, 2012
Is this somehow what you were trying for??
I used photoscape free edit program . A really easy user friendly program.
March 15th, 2012
@jenirainbow Edited in Snapseed on IPad. First cropped. In details increased sharpness and structure. Used tilt shift filter to blur background building and lower right hand corner. Used dark filter in drama set. Then selectively slightly increased brightness, increased ambience, reduced contrast, improved to of desaturation and kept gray feel in white balance. Like Snapseed because it is easy to use, is like finger painting on touchscreen, and doesn't take long. Have gone for a Dickensian England look of dirty coal smoke dereliction. Never been to England and I'm sure it is only like this in movies.
March 15th, 2012
what do you mean by vintage? i did a quick google search and found some examples of photos with a split tone looking worn, and another of a vintage model with what seems to be a relatively strong yellow filter, I will give it a go in lightroom and see what I can come up with.

in the meanwhile heres a link I found if you have access to photoshop

March 15th, 2012
if the one I posted is the type of "look" you were thinking of, you can click on the picture and it will take you to where I posted it with the list of what I did in Picnik to get that look (I don't really use Picnik anymore now that I have Lightroom and Photoshop, but since that is something you use and are familiar with, I wanted to use what you already know)
March 15th, 2012
maybe a bit too much noise ...

basically i made it brighter and drastically dropped contrast and saturation as well added noise and yellow/blue split tone not to forget a white vignette
March 15th, 2012
Google+ is identical to Picnik if thats any help.
March 27th, 2012
what do you like about this picture? Is it the entrance to a construction site, it doesn't do anything for me I must say.

But if you wanna process it to death, you can't go wrong with pixlr-o-matic, you will achieve exactly what you want and be shouting, oh Dave you are the best!
March 31st, 2012
Jeff, I did this a while ago but haven't been well and just got around to posting it. This is the edit I did using your ideas in Piknik and I'm pretty pleased with the results. Thanks for the help.
April 1st, 2012
@jenirainbow I'm glad I could help! Yours turned out very nice!
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