Something my friend told me

May 5th, 2012
yesterday my friend saw my project here in this wonderful site.
and told me "dude how the hell only 7 8 people saw your photos.."
i thought about it and i really didn't knew what say.

i'm really want to know how do i show my gallery to more people.
can somebody help me please ? =]
May 5th, 2012
Join the weekly themes and tag your photos. You can also join the competitions and challenges here. Follow others and there's a big chance of them following you back. :)
There are some discussions that asks you to post your photos....that's another good way of getting your photos out there. Have fun!
May 5th, 2012
thank you very much Carrie i will do that ! =]
May 5th, 2012
You did the best thing, I started a discussion. I did notice that you have over 200 hundred photos and are only following 9 people. You've been here awhile. There's been lots of discussions like this.
May 5th, 2012
yes I've done like 75% already and i just want to show my stuff to other photographers . maybe someone will like it to =]
May 5th, 2012
Your work is beautiful. Maybe write a wee bit more about yourself in the profile section? (where you're from, etc) - and, if not a write up for each shot, maybe a title? I'm intrigued by a lot of your shots and want to know more about them - where they were taken, etc.
May 5th, 2012
@pwallis thank you Paula .. i will and i'm glad you like my work ..
its really miens a lot to me
May 5th, 2012
Comment on others!!! Most of the time they will want to know who it is that's looking at their photos, and in turn will view/comment on yours. Hope that helps...
May 5th, 2012
I like your photos very much - but they lack context - tell us something about them :)
May 5th, 2012
@golzman Hey Gogi - where have you been hiding all this time?! Your shots are amazing and I agree with all the comments above... I definitely need to know more about what / where I'm looking at! 365 is a bit like a system of islands, reach out and make contact with others and they will know you are there!
May 5th, 2012
you're photos are great - but as others have said, it would be good to know more about the photos you are taking, where ? why ? It's good to know more about you and your photos - it's an amazing community here, and I've just been here since Jan 1, I have learnt so much.

Again, like before follow a few more people, comment more, take part in themes and'll get more followers in no time !
May 5th, 2012
You've got to follow to have followers! This is my third year here .... love the community ... the more you tell about yourself and your pictures the more people get to know you and look out for your postings. And join all the discussions and themes that you can! Above all ... enjoy yourself!
May 5th, 2012
It would be good if you gave more info on the photo eg: where it was taken, why did you take it etc
May 5th, 2012
When I encounter someone new (for me, that is) on 365, I'll always head over to browse through their last weeks of pictures. You got my attention; you take some very nice photographs.
May 5th, 2012
to get views and comments you must view and comment on others. You get what you put into the site.
May 5th, 2012
I see that you are following 12 365ers and that's a good start. If you want to have more people looking and following, you are going to have to look at others, make comments and save FAVs to your project. But the most important thing here is to enjoy what you are doing. It's not about how many see your pictures, but how much fun you get out of it!! You will learn that this is a special community that is connected by photos. It is so much more then looking at picture...You're off to a great start!!! I'm going to go take a look at your album now!! :)
May 5th, 2012
Follow the people who follow you and comment to other's photos. It shows that you are also interested in theire pictures. Good luck!
May 5th, 2012
thank you everybody !
May 6th, 2012
@golzman I love your photos Gogi and have followed you for a little while I remember posting one of your images as my fav of the month a while back, I really don't know why you don't have more followers, but as some have said here a good way is to tag them and enter the themes and competitions.
May 9th, 2012
You do take some incredible shots and I could learn from you for sure. I think it is just a matter of interacting with others on the site, eventually you will become known but it takes time and everything in life. Good luck.
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