My new photography website. Comments welcome.

July 19th, 2012
Hope this ok to post here as it not technically 365 related but was definitely inspired by my 365 project. 200 days in and its been amazing so far. I've just today launched my photography website. Its still a work in progress and I'm tweaking a few things but please drop by if you get a chance and let me know what you think. Any comments or suggestions are welcome either here or via the website. The 365 community has been great to me so far so thanks to everyone for the support.


Shenick Island Photography
July 19th, 2012
Had a wee peek-looks great! bravo!
July 19th, 2012
Fantastic! Great job. Congrats!
July 19th, 2012
@pennymilner @mariboo Thanks for taking the time to take a look and reply. I really appreciate it.
July 19th, 2012
Paul fabulous website! I wish you the best! I am currently developing my own website. While I can handle the art design, I'm finding dealing with all the business issues challenging since I have no photography industry insight i.e. pricing prints, different paper, handling matting/framing, shipping - did you affiliate with a fine art printer to handle those aspects?
July 19th, 2012
Looks amazing! Very well done and I love how you included your 365 calendars!
July 19th, 2012
Gorgeous website! So professional looking. Love the organization of it.
July 19th, 2012
Paul, wow.....your site looks first class!! good luck to you!!
July 19th, 2012
Brilliant website, your work is amazing!
July 19th, 2012
I just had a look...just amazing Paul. I Love the layout of the site...simply and beautiful. :)
July 19th, 2012
I think you've done a great job here! Good luck with it. Your photos are wonderful.
July 19th, 2012
Awesome job! Simple design but effective! I'm working on my site as well :)
July 19th, 2012
Took a look. Great work!
July 19th, 2012
Looks really good
July 19th, 2012
I like your subtle style. The only comment I would make is on my iPad the background comes up cold and sterile. You might consider softening it. And, it is feels a little harsh against the warm colors of your gallery covers.
July 19th, 2012
I love the simple elegance of your site. I'd be proud to display my images in such a setting. Good luck with the business end of things.
July 19th, 2012
Well done Paul. I had a quick look and I am impressed with the ease of accessibility throughout the site. Personally was taken with your 356 blog as well. Best of luck and well done on the finished product.
July 19th, 2012
Very nicely done Paul. You've got a lot of beautiful shots posted. I wish you the best of luck with the site.
July 19th, 2012
@jonesp Wonderful site Paul, good luck with this.
All your images are fantastic so you should do really well.
July 19th, 2012
@jonesp That's a great site, Paul, best of luck with it. I've sent the link on to some friends and family members!!!
July 19th, 2012
Well, the photos are fantastic, of course - I always admire your posts on here, anyway!

The site is simple, and easy to use, which I like. The only thing I might suggest would be maybe to reduce the width of the content a touch? From what I can gather, the main elements are set just to maximise whatever width is available - probably fine, on most monitors, but if you view on a widescreen it just seems like quite a lot to take in.

(Still, that's a very minor point to make, really, and doesn't in any way detract from the beauty of the photographs, or the functionality of the website!)
July 19th, 2012
Awesome Paul, great shots as always!!!
July 19th, 2012
Impressive photography and I love the ease of navigating through the site!
July 19th, 2012
Beautiful. Great sense of colors! Don't have anything bad to say :)
July 19th, 2012
Congrats - looks great!
July 19th, 2012
in awe Paul. I think its wonderful.
July 21st, 2012
Firstly, thanks to everyone who took the time to have a look and comment. Thanks also for the words of support and encouragement, it really means a lot.

@michaelelliott Thanks Michael. Took some time to get it how I wanted but am really happy with the end result. Drop me an email if you wish to hear what I'm doing about prints etc right now. You'll find my email on the site. I'd be interested in talking to a person who is having the same issues as me. Don't want to fill up the comments with stuff most people won't be interested in. I will say that I'm looking into a solution like fotomoto, or something that will make it easier/cheaper for clients in the US for example.

@shutterbugger Thanks Jenn. I've always looked how my 'months' look here on 365 so really wanted to incorporate them. In fact, I totally redesigned that section last night :-)

@kwind Thanks KWind, I tried to keep it clean and easy to find my photos.

@paulaag Thanks Paula for the words of support.

@aleksandra Thanks for the kind words!

@veg66 Thanks Joanne. Exactly what i was aiming for so thats nice to hear.

@carolinedreams Thanks Caroline.

@paige3 Thanks Paige. Good luck with your site and definitely post it here when its ready. Would love to see it!

@cortens Thanks Julie!

@abhijit Thanks Abhijit!

@welcometocarolworld Thanks Carol. I tend to like a minimal style in my work so I think thats reflected here as well. Good comment, I made it slightly off white now. Have a look and let me know what you think?

@tonydebont Thanks Tony. What a nice thing to say. The easy part is done, now the hard work of making some money begins!

@bdb3471 Thanks Brian, glad to hear you like it. I really wanted to include 365 as its the main reason the site exists.

@clarkafb_brat Thanks John for your support.

@flagged Thanks! Lets hope so, but just as well its not my main source of income just yet :-)

@peadar Thanks Peter! Friends and family with a love of Ireland and plenty of disposable income I hope? :-)

@manek43509 Thanks Kit. Interesting to hear that. The content is wide but should not be too wide so perhaps it a browser issue. I reduced the width sightly now. Have a look and perhaps drop me an email via the site if its still and issue. Would love to make sure I get this looking good for everyone.

@simon0128 Thanks Simon!

@grammyn Thanks Katy, thats great to hear.

@viranod Perfect Nod! Thats what I like to hear!

@kph129 Thanks Kristin.

@wardie Thanks Paul. Your comments are, as always appreciated.
July 21st, 2012
I think it is a little softer. Remember, the Japanese are masters of minimal, and they love color. Your style is what speaks. The background has to do with the visitor, and how they connect. I know it is all subjective. I created a website for an organization, and one member thought my color choice looked like baby poop. So, you never know how eyes process thing. Good luck, I'll quit
July 21st, 2012
Yeah, it looks fine - as I said, it was just a minor point. The content reduces in size as I resize the browser window, so I guess it's just my display that's doing that, rather than a fixed width frame within the site.
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