
January 9th, 2013
I used to think I was a reasonably good amateur photographer, and I have many pictures both personal and from paid shoots, that I think are wonderful. However 10 days in, I am so frustrated by this project! I thought it would inspire me, but sometimes it feels more of a chore than a challenge. I take a gazillion photos and don't like any of them. I must be so contrary that when I HAVE to do something, I don't want to do it anymore! The pressure that I put on myself to take a picture everyday is taking the fun out of it for me. Any thoughts, helpful feedback, suggestions?
Many thanks,
January 9th, 2013
You are not on your own and I don't even consider myself a good amateur!!! I am just taking motivation from the fact that everything I have taken has been on manual settings and not automatic as I have done before now! I am struggling as my last photo will show but hopefully it will get easier as and not harder as time goes on. Maybe ease off the pressure and if you need a day off, take it and don't beat yourself up about it. However, I only started on 01/01/13 so the seasoned 365's will probably have better advice. Chin up and keep going!!! :-)
January 9th, 2013
Don't feel that you have to do it, because ultimately you don't. Just enjoy finding a new way of looking at the mundane and everyday things that fill your waking hours and take joy from recording them and sharing them with others.
January 9th, 2013
Thanks @Andrina, and for the reminder @Unit8. I tend to the OCD, and feel that once I have made a commitment I must stick to it! Only ten days and I have already forgotten the joy!
January 9th, 2013
Re-evaluate your expectations. You are only 9 days into this and you feel this way? Do you have commitment issues?
January 9th, 2013
Yes @dmortega, see above!!
January 9th, 2013
@fifimac I don't do anything I don't like doing unless it is well paid or my Wife tells me to do it.... Joking aside I would'nt do a project like this unless I was enjoying myself and I am.
January 9th, 2013
on the contrary, after i start the project i use my camera more and actually did a lot of shots that i have never tried before. some turn out great, some don't. it's stressful, yes. thinking about the photos all the time, composition, weather is good or bad so i can do a landscape/sunset shot, lighting, etc. but i enjoy it... so far ;)
January 9th, 2013
Remember, not every photo you take has to be perfect. Why did you start in the first place? Maybe to get inspired you could learn a new technique or a new editing skill. That always gets me going! Have you heard of light painting? Have you tried HDR? Also you can experiment in a new field- like if you do portraits you could try macro. Or if you do macro you could try landscapes.
If you have a DSLR you could try a new lens. When I got a 50mm prime I took photos constantly! I loved the Dof I got with it.
Check out Flickr for inspiration of what to take pics of. Explore always has something I find interesting.
Remember- it doesn't take long to click the shutter. Limit yourself to 50 pics or something to help you think about and compose the shot instead of firing away. Good luckl
January 9th, 2013
You don't have to take a photo every day. You can take several one day and if there are a few from that session you love put them up for the week. There are no steadfast rules here, it's just supposed to be about you, your growth and what you enjoy doing. If it frustrates you and you are not enjoying it then maybe it's not for you. I wouldn't feel bad about it though....your project, your rules. ;)
January 9th, 2013
This project isn't for everyone. Many people drop before their year is up. If you are unhappy now you will not finish it because you will hate it by the end, should you make it that far. Don't feel bad, you made an attempt but it's not for you. So be it. There are plenty of other things that you may be better suited at pursuing. At least you found out early. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.
January 9th, 2013
Thanks for your comments. I don't hate it at all, I love photography and am so amazed by all the talent on here and that does inspire. I am just frustrated and in harsh judgement of myself and my work! I think I was also a little confused on the 'rules'. I really understood it to be one photo per day and that is what I have been trying to do, but maybe I can be a little more flexible (will have to be I think, when baby comes!) and allow myself to 'stock up' on good days and share those pics too. Consider my beginners tantrum over, and THANKYOU!
January 9th, 2013
I like the challenge of taking pictures everyday, the January Words help as they give you something to home in on as a subject matter. My biggest concern is the daily Upload, what wear and tear is this giving my USB connections to my camera? with this in mind I will change to weekly or twice weekly uploads. I have only been a 365 since Jan 1st and it does encourage me to take some pictures everyday. Don't beat yourself up, just do what you want when you want. It's hard to select just ONE picture to upload, even going Ace will only give a maximum of 3 albums i.e 3 pictures a day. Apart from specially setting out with my camera eg day out / holiday, 365 has seen me taking photos everyday and as the saying goes `practice makes perfect`. I delete 80% and more of the pictures I take. Happy Photo taking and Chill, there's no pressure on here and there is a good social / community feeling along with it.
January 9th, 2013
Welcome to 365. Been there, nearly gave up on day 3. The discipline to shoot every day will work wonders in the end though. Keep going :-)
January 9th, 2013
Fiona, always remember, it's your project...your rules :-) There are no wrong ways of doing your project. The minute it feels draining or demanding just take a step back and breathe...

Putting pressure on yourself to take "that perfect shot", every day, will only bring you down. Lord knows, I have more than my share of "less than stellar" photos in my album.

What you will find over time, is that when looking back at your album, you'll see the improvement. And that's what this project is really all about.'s your project...your rules. Have fun with it, and don't stress or force it. Some days will be great and others not so's all good :-)
January 9th, 2013
Haha, love the reference "beginner's tantrum!" Good luck Fiona!
January 9th, 2013

I posted a link to this video on todays shot, its not photography related but the guy is an inspiration for just getting on with stuff.

January 9th, 2013
Oh Fiona,
I understand your frustration. For me, the key is to just take pictures everyday, pick one and move on. Trust me, it will get easier:)
January 10th, 2013
@fifimac the biggest question is, who are you doing this project for? If you are doing it for you, then do YOUR thing. Don't worry about what others are doing, don't worry about whether an image is "popular page worthy" or whether or not you are getting enough faves to possibly make the top 20... if you worry about any of those things, you aren't doing this for YOU, but to please others. You have to do this project for YOU. Do YOUR thing... if your thing is completely different from what most people are doing, so what. People will come to appreciate your work more if you are doing it for you and sharing what you put YOUR heart & soul into.
January 10th, 2013
I was planning on writing my own 2 cents, but I could not have said it any better than Jeff @jsw0109 . So, what he said . . . I still struggle between doing it for me or doing it for others sometimes, but I have learned to relax and let it be my own project. Also, as Vee @vskolnik stated, just take pictures everyday and pick one and then move on! Best of luck, I hope that you'll find the joy in it again.
January 10th, 2013
I go through spells when I think all of my photos are terrible. When this happens, I remember that even professional photographers take often lots of photos before they get an excellent one. I then ease back and take the type of photo I know I am usually good at. I don't try to participate in every challenge. I select which challenges I participate in very carefully. During my first year, I often would work on one composition technique at a time. This helped me improve and helped me because I could see some improvement. Hang in there!
January 10th, 2013
Your second year will be easier. I was frustrated at first too. But over the first year I think I improved and that is what counts, what you think of your work.
The funny thing is, what you may consider a crappy shot, others will fav.
You just can't figure it. Relax and enjoy the journey at your own tempo.
Welcome aboard.
January 10th, 2013
I love to play this same game with myself where I make all these rules around something and build it up to the point where I can never obtain my lofty standards. This is supposed to be fun. It's YOUR project. So ask yourself, what would make it fun for you? One photo a week? A bunch of photos one day? Only posting photos when you have one you like? I have to fight myself constantly on taking the fun out of things like making long lists of movies I "SHOULD" watch. Why should I???? Is there going to be a test at death? A pop quiz at age 99? If you start unraveling and questioning yourself about your rules, it may help you break free. It is a constant battle for me. I just got done with a year of cancer treatments and supposedly that is supposed to make trivial questions go away, but I still build up anxiety and make everything an internal competition. Good luck and just allow yourself to have fun. Quit worrying! Trust me, it causes cancer! :-) YOU make the rules about how you run your project!!!!!
January 10th, 2013
I'm in year three and have to say I really enjoy 365. I haven't hit a spell where I hate taking pictures, but I have hit dry spells when I found myself a bit uninspired. Challenges help a lot for those. But to keep the "spirit" of 365, it takes the ability to make it your own. Some people really thrive on the photo a day challenge. But after my first year, I decided I just enjoyed posting photos I was happy with. Sometimes that meant I had a week's worth of photos ahead of time. Other times, it meant taking the daily shot for a challenge. But most of the time it's a combo of the two. My favorite way of putting this (and one that's been said many times here) is "It's YOUR project with YOUR rules". So, if the shot a day is driving you crazy- change your rules. 365 really is supposed to be fun, an avenue of creativity, and a place to learn and grow in skill. I hope you come to a place where you can relax and enjoy your time here- it really is a great place to be.
January 10th, 2013
@jsw0109Nicely said Jeff
January 10th, 2013
@fifimac Welcome to 365! I agree with all the comments above... and think perhaps the phrase I have to remember is 'it's doing a photo a day, not a masterpiece a day'..! I've had a manic few days and am 3 shots behind, so today will go out inspired to catch up. Best advice I can give is to take your camera with you everywhere with you and remember it's there for your pleasure.. we have enough chores to do as it is.
January 10th, 2013
I agree with a lot of what's been said earlier in this thread. I too found it very hard in the beginning, sometimes posting photos I didn't like. What I've found interesting and encouraging is that other people on this site might see qualities in your photos you don't see yourself. Sometimes it is irritating that other people like the photo's you hate, but that's all part of broadening your vision and improve as photographer.

One last note, when you see all those impressive photos people on this site manage to create everyday, go back and have a look at their first days of the project too.
January 10th, 2013
I am new too - and after looking at some of the pics on here was a wee bit intimidated. BUT I have found the group in general to be incredibly supportive. I have already learned so much and am now trying not to use auto on my camera. Looking through the threads and other pictures has provided a lot of inspiration and ideas. I had to tell myself I am not to strive for a perfect picture - it's a personal documentation of things that inspire, amuse and interest me. I would say be kind to yourself and just have fun with it.
I looked at the photos you have posted and think they are great!
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