Before or After????????

March 9th, 2011

I liked my picture yesterday better but this was my runner up.. I didn't post it because I wasn't completely happy with the editing. Please give me your opinions... I am very new at this. I love editing so much, however I find it hard to know when to stop.

I feel like the picture after is a better picture but I also feel like it lost some of it's appeal after the editing.

March 9th, 2011
after has better color I think.....
March 9th, 2011
Hmm, I like before better.
March 9th, 2011
I don't like how the after looks dry. In the before you still see the glisten of the sauce.
March 9th, 2011
Before looks more appetizing to me.
March 9th, 2011
I'm hungry!
March 9th, 2011
Editing is tricky when it comes to food- I prefer the second one because the color is more subtle.
March 9th, 2011
After would be better if the colours were as saturated as in the before, I reckon
March 9th, 2011
I like the before one more.
March 9th, 2011
I'm v. new at editing too and I'm sure I overdo it but I try to do something I was taught to do in art class : stop, do something else for a while and then go back and look again. You can get kind of picture fatigue after a while, so it helps the decision making if you give your eyes a coffee break :-)
March 9th, 2011
I think the first one looks more 'saucy' but the 2nd one shows a little more detail.
March 9th, 2011
I like how the second one looks less wet. But, I think I would prefer it slightly more saturated in color. And, I'm hungry, too, now. :)
March 9th, 2011
And possibly sone burning and/ or sharpening in of the front pieces. I feel like maybe there isn't enough contrast?
March 9th, 2011
And my iPhone makes me type like I'm an idiot.
March 9th, 2011
I like the before better with colors and the shine. The after shows more detail, but I still prefer before.
March 9th, 2011
Before - color is richer, more depth with the shine of the sauce.
March 9th, 2011
i like before...but i am also partial to bright colors and slight overprocessing:)
March 9th, 2011
intially i thought after, but i doesn't look as moist and appealing as before! If i was going to eat one I'd go with the first!!
March 9th, 2011
I think the different colors just have different effects. the left one looks warmer and gooey, right looks more charred
March 9th, 2011
I like the after better, because I see more clearly what it is.
March 9th, 2011
I like the after better.. The color just looks better, to me. But i also agree with @lolanae It does look a little dry in the second one.
March 9th, 2011
@dulciknit There's a lot of truth to what you say. I'm an AutoCAD draftsman by trade, and when you look at the same set of drawings for 8 hours every day, there comes a point when you have to get up and walk a couple laps around the office, engage in some water cooler talk, whatever - just get your eyes away from the screen for a while.

If I work on one set of drawings for an entire week (or month as is sometimes the case), I'll usually need at least one, and preferably two, other people to review the final sheets before they go out to contractors. Once you've stared at a drawing (or a photo) long enough, you start to miss detail and not see things that are obvious to a 'fresh' set of eyes.
March 9th, 2011
before...i like the way you can see the moistness of the sauce
March 9th, 2011
I am thinking now that I should have still fixed the white balance but left the shine alone.. I used a flash also because it was sooooo dark in my house when I took it.. It is hard because the saturation of the color is appealing but it is also poor picture taking. The second photo really allows you to see the detail of the shrimp. But the first photo has a mouth watering effect. Now I want to start over to see what I come up with. -__-

This was such a great idea to post this you all have such great input. Thank you.
March 9th, 2011
I like the colors in the first one more:]
March 9th, 2011
@eyebrows then wouldn't it just be the before?
March 9th, 2011
@stepheesue nah it's been cropped and the clarity and brightness increased a little, maybe the contrast too. Subtle but effective!
March 9th, 2011
the after is more appealing colorwise, but the glistening of the before is also better. so the third edition could maybe embrace both features?
March 9th, 2011
Before good colour also looks moist and appetising, after looks dry and colours need upping to match the original.
March 9th, 2011
agreed with the color better in the after but the shrimp look dry...I personally would go with the first one; however, I'm just an amateur and newbie around here :)
March 11th, 2011
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