Be your own worst critic

July 1st, 2011

I know there is a similar thread, but this lets us highlight our own work as well as get some tips on how to improve.
I thought it would be fun to post your favorite photo from your own album from the 23rd thru the 30th of June and then give a positive comment about it, as well as something you wish you could change. Then the next person in line can do the same as well as critique the previous person's photo with a positive comment and a piece of constructive criticism. Anyone game?
I'll start.
June 23rd~
I think my simple shot is my favorite. I like the blue against the yellow and the minimalism. If I could change something about it, I would have wiped off the surface before shooting. :)
July 1st, 2011

6-25-11 Come one, come all!
This is my favorite from the week. I really love the storm clouds and the colors in this. If I were to change anything it would be that I would turn a bit more to the left so that I didn't cut off part of the one ferris wheel car.
July 1st, 2011
@marydreams Your shot is really cute! I'm a sucker for primary colors. But I agree with you - always wipe down your shooting surface! :D

I love the way I used colors here, but I sure do wish that backdrop had been held a little straighter! (Not ragging on my sis - I should have noticed it!)
July 1st, 2011
I am half way tempted to delete 96% of my photos lol
July 1st, 2011

This is my favorite picture between those dates. I like it because of the clarity of the subject and the subject itself. However I would love to change the's actually a lot brighter in real life and wish I could've captured that in the picture.
July 1st, 2011
@positronicmommy Awesome shot! I would give the same critique that you did! Otherwise, perfect! @proudrhrshipper haha! Thanks! @loztsoul oh, don't do that!! @soothingbeauty I think it is a sweet shot! Honestly if the background were any brighter, I think it would take away from the gold tones!
July 1st, 2011
This is probably my favourite (taken June 26):

I like it because it was such an opportune moment! Milo is incredibly difficult to photograph as he doesn't sit still. But not only was he sitting still, he also had a feather stuck to his whiskers from a previous... let's say 'encounter' with a member of the bird family.

If I could change anything... probably put more effort into trying to bring out the vibrant colours in the scene before giving up and converting it to black and white! I do like it in black and white though. :D
July 1st, 2011

I love how they lighting came out on this. If I could change one thing, it would be to sharpen up the focus on the dolphins.
July 1st, 2011
I loved my sunset from the 28th, because it seems I haven't been shooting many sunsets lately...and they're only my favorite thing in the entire world. :)

I wish I would have planned better - I wanted to capture the sunset behind a long field with nothing else on the horizon...but I got distracted by some clouds in the eastern sky and took too long chasing them, so I ended up getting stuck with a field near a main road and a neighborhood. You can see how close I was to missing it by how low the sun is. To crop it would be to lose the cloud and the majesty of the sky, so I left the city bits in the photo.

July 1st, 2011
@pocketmouse I love the shot! I understand what you mean about the color, but I really love it in b&w! @lolanae great photo! I like the texture of the dark background! @sdpace Your sunsets are beautiful! This is one of those cases where if you wouldn't have pointed out how low the sun was, I don't think I would have even noticed! The colors in the clouds are gorgeous, and I love how you can see the feathering effect.
July 1st, 2011

This is one of my favorite IR shot so far from all I have upload. The thing I don't like on this photo is its a bit noisy and a little soft on the middle. When I was editing this photo, it's soft so I ended up adding noise and sharpness but the result is the sky is noisy. But I love the surreal feeling of this photo.
July 1st, 2011
@ericmabalot I love how this looks like it's out of an old story book. It IS so gorgeously surreal. I'd have liked a little tighter crop so that the giraffes would be larger.

In this one of mine I feel good about how I paired the effect with the photo. I wish my image had been sharper in the first place and that's something I'm working on:

July 1st, 2011

If I could do this shot over, I would have taken the time to remove some of the clutter from the background in the kitchen. I also would have lined myself up better to take this shot more 'head on' so that the lines on the floor tiles were straighter. Had to make the most of this opportunity of the two cats sharing a meal while it lasted tho!
July 1st, 2011
@pocketmouse - aww I think it works really well in B&W!! It almost looks like an illustration - very beautiful photo! :)

Here's mine, I wish I would have up'ed the ISO more to get a more steady shot, my shutter speed was very slow and I seemed to have moved the tripod since I was holding it lol I wanted a sharper image

July 1st, 2011

I like that I accomplished what I set out to do. I wish I had gotten a little more of the bottom of the glass in the photo, for a better sense of scale.
July 1st, 2011
@worldshaker I like the idea behind the photo, both feet in the frame would be even better!
July 1st, 2011
My photo from June 27, 2011

I liked this shot, but It should be crisper, crystal wiped before the shot, and more bling!
July 1st, 2011
Random question. I have three albums, and I post to each daily. Which do I pick from?
July 1st, 2011
I wondered the same as @triciaanddazzle and in the end opted for my main album.

I'm gutted that I cut off part of his face (but I had just been splashed with water while holding my camera! lol and it was a quick snapshot taken.), I also wish I had caught more of the water detail. But I love that sparkle in his eyes and the cheeky smile on his face.

@lorihiro I really like the shot and the rainbows and the pattern, I wonder if it would have maybe been better though with a less distracting background.
July 1st, 2011

I was quite pleased with this, but probably more pleased that I didn't actually get blown over the cliff than with the quality of this hand-held p&s at one of the UK's most infamous 'jump or fall' beauty spots. I was very disappointed with the loss of detail in the background (the famous Beachy Head lighthouse in Sussex) and hope for an opportuity to return there one day with tripod and DSLR to try again.
July 1st, 2011
I like this capture of mom trying to feed the baby bird and don't really know what I could have done to make it look any better.
July 1st, 2011

What I like about this picture: the squiggle of the snake, being brave enough to photograph him instead of running in the opposite direction, and overall composition (funny how snakes don't like posing); What I'd change: If I was brave enough, I'd get closer for more detail on him. With my little point and shoot I can get some pretty nice macro shots, but I have to be in closer proximity to my subject. Unfortunately my fear of snakes just couldn't be overridden enough to do that.
July 1st, 2011
@triciaanddazzle I'd say pick from your official 365 project album.
July 1st, 2011
@wordpixman. Its a very nice picture knowing the circumstances of your danger while taking it. it would've been nice if the foreground would not be the focal point. a litte closer look of the Beachy Head lighthouse would defininately add to it.
July 1st, 2011
@wordpixman Arthur, you have definitely captured the strong winds by the movement of the grass. I also think the coloring is quite beautiful in the windswept beach sense. My thought is maybe you had two pictures here. One which emphasized the grass and wind. That one would have less of the shoreline and lighthouse but taken from the same vantage point of this shot. The second would be more panoramic, taken from a pov which emphasized the shoreline and ocean and featured the lighthouse more prominently (not necessarily close-up, but more obvious)- perhaps even a vertical shot as opposed to a horizontal one. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents worth. I do like this picture though as it is- I love the ocean! And commend you for daring to brave the infamous "jump or fall" spot for a lovely shot of the beach at Sussex.
July 1st, 2011

what i like about this picture is the feeling of innocence and "little girl" i captured- i love the soft tones and overall comp. what i wish i had done better, is to darken it a bit as it is very bright and a bit hard on the eyes...
July 1st, 2011
@4stories I love the soft, dreamlike feel to your photos. This one is a great capture of innocence.

Here's the favorite of mine for the week. I like how I used DOF with this one and that it reminds me of the beach, which I LOVE. I had a hard time getting the color right on it, though, and srill feel like it wasn't exactly what I was going for.

July 1st, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Which ever you want! This is just for fun! :)
July 1st, 2011
@ericmabalot Beautiful and dreamy shot!! I love it, but wonder if the light and dark points of the photo might blend a little more if it were cropped a little more? Some of the shadows to the left side of the photo might be eliminated and make the soft part you were talking about not seem so light. I really love this shot though, and have to view the rest of your album!
@reba I'm wondering if the silver/chrome piece might appear to have more detail, if the squares were more transparent? I think their darkness makes it a little difficult to know what you are looking at!! It is a great shot though!
@kaost I actually really like the photo! I don't think the stuff in the kitchen is distracting at all. My only critique would be the same thing you mentioned about it being more straight. You can't really do that with processing though, or it would cut off their tails. I really love this one though!
@worldshaker Very nice!! I like the blur in this shot! I think the only thing that may have improved the look, is if more of her legs were showing!
@shadesofgrey Nice capture of movement! I like the contrast between the white space and the pop of green!! @lorihiro Maybe a little more light would have made the crystal sparkle a little more? I kind of wish the crop was a little straighter....but over all a pretty shot! @coolgirlsar beautiful shot. I think the crop is the only thing I see that I would even want to touch! It is gorgeous and I love the detail in his eyes! @wordpixman I see what you are saying, but I really like this photo just the way it is! @bruni So sweet! My only suggestion would be to straighten it by cropping it a little. Otherwise, I wouldn't touch it! !:) @olivetreeann Yay for being brave!! Would the detail of the snake be more visible if you brought the crop in? You would see less background and the eye would be pulled to the subject. I think he is pretty cute! @4stories Agreed about the brightness, but I love the shot! The colors are so soft and so pretty and girly. I love it! @tinatmmc Maybe playing with the color would get the look you were going for? I love it though, and don't think it needs changed at all!

Thank you everyone! This is fun and I am getting to see some lovely work!
July 1st, 2011
@tinatmmc , I really like the starfish and the sand together the color tones, and the graniness of the sand. What I find slightly off is that the blur from the depth of field looks a bit processed and blurry and is bringing my eye away from the starfish. I would think that doing a portrait layout versus landscape may have taken away from that.

I love the tilt shift app on my iphone and how it turned everything dream like outside of the windows. What I do wish is that I could have had a bit more space to pull back from the dog to get a bit more side background.
July 1st, 2011
I am my own worst critic, so this isnt really a challenge for me and I go through this process with every photo I take!

I love the detail surrounding the horse's eye. And how it looks like he is so high up looking down on me. I like the fact that I was able to technically get a selfie without actually trying, but still was one that I was semi-satisfied with. I hate having pictures of me and since you can barely make me out in it, I love it that much more! I also like the fact that if you look at it just on my page you focus mainly on the horse, but when you blow it up the focus changes and you see more of what the horse is seeing.
I hate the fact that every eye picture I take always has a reflection of me in it. I would someday like to get one where you can actually see the horse's eye instead of just a reflection. I have seen it done and would like to figure out how to myself. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the angle at which I am shooting from. Its hard enough as it is to get the horses to stand still long enough for me to get any type of picture from them, so getting a good eye photo, exactly the way I want is going to prove to be quite the challenge! But that gives me an excuse to keep on shooting!! And thats what drives me to continue!
July 1st, 2011
@olivetreeann ... Thank you Ann. Your comments are appreciated and perfectly valid. My only 'excuse' for the format was fitting the 365 space, but I do hope to find an opportunity to go back some time when perhaps it is less windy.

@marydreams ... Thank you for your encouraging words. A little too generous in my opinion, but I certainly am not complaining!

@bruni ... Thank you. I agree with all you say and I did take a closer shot of the lighthouse to use later, but I felt that the strong wind had to be the focus of attention above all else on that day.

Thanks to all, and perhaps I should explain that I see photographs as elements of a story more often than stand-alone examples of technical or artistic expertise, but am always happy to hear alternative views and suggestions. That is what makes photography such an absorbing pastime ... it can be interpreted in so many ways.
July 1st, 2011
@olivetreeann ... I really don't see what more you could have done here without putting yourself in mortal peril (I have an irrational fear of snakes!) except perhaps to crop it a little closer and rotate it about 30 deg anti-clockwise, to give the impression that it was scurrying away from you and not just slithering by. You might like to try it and see what you think.
July 1st, 2011
@marydreams ... I think you got it just about right, but if I have any suggestion at all it would be to intensify the colour just a little bit.
July 1st, 2011
This is an interesting twist on crtitiquing. I hope it continues as a weekly thread.

@kcphotography --- It's an interesting eye photo. I like that we can see what it's looking at. I would like however to see more detail in the entire photo. The fading out on the sides are a bit distracting to me.

I love all the people in this picture and that they are all looking in different directions. I wish though the street signs were not backwards. I thought about flipping this but didn't. Hmmm ... maybe I should have.
July 1st, 2011
@marydreams Thank your for your comment and critique. normally I would agree with you but in this case I would have lost the bird's tail feathers by straightening out the birdhouse.
July 1st, 2011
@bruni Oh, I hadn't noticed that!! Good call! That would have been a bad thing! :)
July 1st, 2011

I was really plesaed with the overall edit on this shot but think that I would have avioded placing the large scratch over my face when editing :D
July 1st, 2011
@marydreams @wordpixman Thanks to both of you for affirming my bravery!! I'm not sure how much closer I can crop it before it looks blurry, but I'm going to fiddle around with it and take your suggestion Arthur. If I like the way it looks I will post it in my second album as well as here, so you can see what I did.
July 2nd, 2011
@marydreams Thank you for this thread, it is the first time I participate in any of them. But I like to read what everyone thinks of their own photo.

@cazink Very nice frame, focus, shadow and lighting. How did it look before the scratches? I like them but maybe you could have "potatoed" your face of the effect?

Porcelain eye, June 28th

I like the light and the fact that the subject worked I think. I am not happy with the framing, should have tried to center it more. Also, there is (as too often with me) the reflection of my camera in there, which is always annoying. Poor week. Maybe that's why I needed to speak out loud here : )

July 2nd, 2011
@klu I added the scratches as extra layers in two different directions and I think the large scratches could have been placed better :D
July 2nd, 2011
@dmortega Thank you, I thought it would be fun! @klu I think centereing it just a smidfe would help. The reflection actually doesn't bother me. I just might try to bring up the light a little.
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