Show off great "NAKED"* photos!

January 21st, 2012
So based off of @clarissajohal brilliant thought, let's show off pictures SOOC (straight out of camera). No post-processing! Admittedly I have done more and more but I see some GREAT stuff out here that really calls for attention. It can be yours or someone else.

*Geesh, what did YOU think I meant by "naked"?! :-P

Here's mine to kick off. The light was purrrrfect and I just snapped it without really thinking about - and I was totally surprised how it came out!

January 21st, 2012
Damn, not what I thought! I have to go way back to Jan last year, I ONLY added a border the rest is 'sooc'.

January 21st, 2012
I have loads of naked shots! Here's one from my Naked Week challenge, instigated by @orangecrush :)
January 21st, 2012
LOL...glad to know it's not another one of those threads...only cropping and adding of the watermark
January 21st, 2012
@angievega I LOVE this! Purrrrrfect!
January 21st, 2012
@angievega love the Beatles shirt! My little girl has the same, but it's a onesie:)
January 21st, 2012
@pwallis WOW Paula your shot is amazing...i've done some night shooting but this is spotless for a SOOC...i know mine aren't.
January 21st, 2012
Aaaand another one:)
January 21st, 2012
I took this sunrise shot with my 105mm macro lens. No edit, not even a crop. One of my faves.
January 21st, 2012
Only added my name:

January 21st, 2012
Damn, thought my evening was pretty sorted then. Oh well here's one, shot on film :)

January 21st, 2012
Shot on a Mamiya Sekor 500TL, 200 ISO film:

January 21st, 2012

Too funny @pwallis Paula! I happen to have a bunch of these too! ;) I can't believe how far back I had to look for this! Time flies!
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
And sharing the love, older 365er but still a great one @sfd084-

January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012

SOOC apart from the signature :-)
January 21st, 2012
Same here: apart from signature and frame...

January 21st, 2012
Only added the watermark! The img src code isn't working for me so some reason, so click this, please.
January 21st, 2012
Taco moon
January 21st, 2012
Here is the SOOC version of a shot I posted on Tuesday...

and here is the edited version:
January 21st, 2012
@emsabh I have the same camera. I pucked up the Reflex viewfinder. Then, the camera weighed about 14 pouunds. Took back the reflex viewfinder the next day!
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
@cluvlj Agreed - it's a beast. Built like a brick. I hope it lasts! I decided at the last minute to not get the electronic prism, and go all manual. I haven't finished the first role yet, but hope to do so sometime in the next few days and develop it! Nervous!
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
@hamptanner pretty close to the real deal! I like the subtlety of the edit, bu the SOOC stands on its own!
January 21st, 2012
@lluniau great contrast. Luuurve it!
January 21st, 2012
my first sooc of the year :)

January 21st, 2012
@emsabh Metering is a little tricky, unless you know off camera metering. It took me about 3 rolls to get the metering right. Mine is well over 30 years old. Works liek a charm.

I have 4 rolls in processing right now, all E-6 color positives. Should have them back in a few days.

Keep an eye out for a thread about posting film images in the next few days, beginning in Feb.

A lot of people are already getting their rolls sent in for it. Would love to see what you have too!
January 21st, 2012
I think the other lensman may have had naked on the mind too.

January 21st, 2012
@emsabh LOL, nice! I just posted one, actually.

January 21st, 2012
@cluvlj and exactly why I'm nervous! I don't have a meter, but I did use my digital camera to give me a sense of where I needed to set aperture and shutter speed. It'll be interesting.....!
January 21st, 2012
only watermarked

January 21st, 2012

January 21st, 2012
all I did to these was change them to b&w. But these are my favorites.

This last one is completely SOOC

January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
I was really happy how vibrant the colors are for SOOC!
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
@angievega that's not hdr editing on that picture? wow!
January 21st, 2012
@amyhughes Your images are amazing. They move me.
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
January 21st, 2012
Really is SOOC, but hard to believe
January 22nd, 2012
January 22nd, 2012
January 22nd, 2012
@amyhughes no Amy...that was aiming straight at the sun and playing with aperture settings...the colors came out really bright and explosive. :)
January 22nd, 2012
January 22nd, 2012
@angievega seriously explosive! so cool
January 22nd, 2012
@emsabh WOW. seriously? wow, thank you.
January 22nd, 2012
I've just said wow and seriously way too many times....ha
January 22nd, 2012
@amyhughes so seriously. It's been great looking at your photos!
January 24th, 2012
Just added my name, and he wasn't that impressed a bout a camera stuck in his face
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