For my followers: Thanks

February 1st, 2012
I'm sorry my pictures have been crappy lately... My back has been in spasm for more than 2 weeks now. I can't come up with decent shots like I have in the past. I take shots of what I can. I can barely stand for longer than 10 minutes, which when trying to get a decent picture, is impossible to do. I can barely sit for just as long without seizing up so it's hard to sort through any photos I have taken so bare with me. Thank you to the very few who have commented on my pictures - even the totally crappy ones. Your acknowledgement that the picture was taken and uploaded is quite appreciated, even though I know you're just being nice... Because I know the pictures are crap. I'm not sure if my back will get better even after my chiropractor is well enough for regular treatments so I don't know if I'm going to get any better then the ones I've done recently. I'm also facing a very serious personal situation that has my mood so down that I really don't want to do anything, including taking pictures. I'd rather stay buried under my covers and sleep for the rest of my life. So forgive me if my pictures are garbage. I can only do what my body and brain allow me to at this time. But I swore no matter how stupid the picture, I was not going to put up one of those blank "I'm sorry I didn't take a picture today" photos like I did last year. Thank you for your time in reading my post.
February 1st, 2012
You do what you need to do to take care of yourself. This project will be here when the time is right for you. :-)
February 1st, 2012
I've never seen a crap photo from you yet! Go easy on yourself and post when you can, this is a reflection of your year, and it's supposed to be for you, so if you feel like it take a shot of a pack of painkillers or a water-bottle and plan ahead for when you're up and running again. :)
February 1st, 2012
@prttblues we love you :)
February 1st, 2012
Rest and take it easy. You need only do what you want to do. We appreciate you and your photos. I think it is great that you do what you can - after all, that is what we all do. When you are ready then do your best. Everyone knows this project is a big commitment. So look after yourself. I hope to see things getting better soon. Chin up! We love your pictures... do more when you can.
February 1st, 2012
Hey, check out my project from the 11th October. I had major spinal surgery that involved my spine being straightened with metal rods. Not pleasant, and I was dosed up to the eyeballs on morphine. My second album also features photos the anaesthetist took of the actual operation. My photos were rubbish (hand washing facilities in the hospital and the bed control!) Anyway, I know exactly how you feel. You will pull through the rubbish, and hopefully your back will get better soon. The worst pain (in my experience) is back pain. Good luck :-)
February 1st, 2012
hey no worries... it's a project of your year not a 'best pic' competition so whatever you take you'll be able to look back on as a memory of this time... although I suppose there's only so many ceiling shots you can take ;-)
February 2nd, 2012
@dmortega @filsie65 @loztsoul @netkonnexion @andycoleborn @cally Thank you all for your encouragement. I never stop taking pictures. So even the dumbest ones get posted sometimes. I just wanted to let everyone know why some of my pictures were (are) crappy (in my opinion). And yes, @andycoleborn there are only so many ceiling shots one can take! But my ceilings are all the same in my home. White with rubble looking thingies. I suppose that can be my next texture shot.
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