Planning shots

February 4th, 2012
I am the only freak that plans his photo of the day, days, weeks and sometimes months in advance???

I know for Valentines days I have a cracker of a photo planned and also for the next three days. Not to mention my birthday, Christmas, fathers and mothers days...
February 4th, 2012
no I do too funnily enough, valentines sorted, birthday sorted too and that's not till summer :)
February 4th, 2012
I TRY to plan but never follow the plan ... well LOL ! It's like "Yeah, tomorrow I'm gonna shot my goldfish..." And I end up posting my cat's pix xD !
February 4th, 2012
Brendan, you do such awsome setups, you have to plan ahead!! You must have so many ideas in your head!!
I sometimes plan ahead, but mostly about where the photo will be taken, but then we have the edge of a cyclone go through, so that becomes the photo for that day.
I plan a shot somedays, but then see something else instead. I do have my birthday shot planned for November....I know I'll be in a meeting!!! :(
February 4th, 2012
Last year I planned a few of my photos. My final killing was well thought about and often debated inside my head.

This year however, going through the Fillerfestival, I download a whole month of shots and then spend a few days culling, a few days thinking about the stories behind the images and then slowly work on my month of shots, week by week. I have all of my February shots chosen. I will start working on March in the last week of Feb.
February 4th, 2012
Do not worry. We love your freakish ways. :)
For me, planning equals disappointment and ultimately failure. I go with what I'm given or fake it in the last hours of the day.
February 4th, 2012
Interesting what everybody does. I depend on my husband to drive since I do not and he and I are enjoying getting out on the weekend and taking photos. Then I use those during the week as i am finding it hard to be creative at home.
February 4th, 2012
Heck, I am lucky to just get a photo posted every day. I sometimes plan a shoot a day in advance, but that's about it.

Don't stop what your doing! I love your photos and the stories that they tell!
February 4th, 2012
I have my Valentines shot wont be as spactacular as yours im sure, but i do like to make plan's..(notice i said plan's) the good thing about it if Plan A doesnt work out you can always move onto plan B...Always a plan.. but Not always sticking to the plan!!!..:)
February 4th, 2012
PLANNING!!?? What's that? Take whatever pops up on the day...I have a total other life to live (and then there's THE JOB!))
February 4th, 2012
sometimes i have a plan and feel good about looking ahead, then there are times when i turn around and something new is going on that interests me.
February 4th, 2012
Interesting responses. With my planning, I think I do it just so I have something for the day, just in case some thing else doesn't come along and then I don't have to worry about it.

I also must admit just because I start out with an idea does not mean that is what I end out with...:)

@bobfoto So you take a heap of photos and then spread them over the month
February 4th, 2012
I Don't think so... The Freak part maybe... Wildman.... LOL ... Planning NO... The more I get into this the more possibilities I find... I have an spark... It floats around a bit and gathers fuel... it grows... Then the what if's starts... or maybe a little more of that... Consider variables... alternatives... Back-ups... Can't deny or rule out Improv ... Most of us have seasonal interest ... Started workin on one today... Tring to figure out how to get My New Found Passion incorporated... I will... First test not so good... but Great learning experience... Trial and error... Skill sets started in twilight years ... I will get 1 decent photo... Peace Brother...
February 4th, 2012
@swilde Totally agree :oD
February 4th, 2012
@agima Brendan, I think the planning really shows in your shots. It always seems to me that you have taken so much effort. I have a bunch of vague plans for shots but have yet to really carry through. In the meantime, I will continue to take a bunch of pictures and upload them over a few days:-) I have a short list of "musts" that I will commit to over the next while.
February 4th, 2012
I guess I'm just a guerrilla photographer. I wander around and shoot what strikes my fancy. There are subjects in my mind (a checklist if you will) of things I want to shoot eventually, but I can't say I go out planning to shoot something specifically.
February 4th, 2012
@houdiniem @chiichan @onie @bobfoto @mstipe @darsphotos @onarom @ellimae @swilde @eryck @lonewolfman @moirab @mcdermgl

I must say that it is interesting to note that a lot of people take photos in one hit then spread them out... Man I think if I did this I could do a whole year in one day..... :)

I must admit there are some days where I have nothing, and it is only at the last minute that I get some idea that I can work with.

February 4th, 2012
I sometimes plan my shots, but usually I prefer to see what I find out in the world on any given day. It's a bit of a gamble - some days I end up with a lousy shot but most of the time I come up with something much better than what I would have planned. Sometimes when I plan a shot, I feel a bit constricted but I think it's just a difference in approach to the creative process.
February 4th, 2012
@melissapike Interesting point. Thanks for sharing. For me once I have the idea I feel comfortable that I can build on it to come up with what you see in my project.

So I guess the creativity comes once I have the idea.
February 4th, 2012
I'd like to work towards planning some shots. I have lots of ideas but as a beginner (in digital slr)and returner (to slr photography after a very long break) I need to develop some basic skills first, and maybe gather a bit more equipment, as funds permit. At the moment, I take photographs every day, but don't usually post those shots that day. I just pick out the shots I feel I have made some progress with (e.g. if I have worked on controlling depth of field or taking a decent night shot, or have tried some simple editing) or that I especially like or am not too embarrassed about.
Also, for me this is very much a social site, so occasionally I post shots that reveal a bit about me and my life (today you get to meet my dog, Poppy, if you care to check her picture out).
February 4th, 2012
I have ideas that I do focus on but mostly I just let the day bring it and it always does.
February 4th, 2012
I don't think I've EVER planned my pic. Only to the point of "Oh we're going to .... on Saturday. I may get a pic there...."
February 4th, 2012
@houdiniem @chiichan @onie @bobfoto @mstipe @darsphotos @onarom @ellimae @swilde @eryck @lonewolfman @moirab @mcdermgl @melissapike @jenirainbow

So is it that people that are unlikely to plan their shoots have very little experience and/or equipment?
February 4th, 2012
Not necessarily, check out Richard Tyson (@rich57) he has loads of experience but specialises in street shots! (I won't speculate on his equipment)! :-)
Also, I really like taking a walk with my camera and seeing what I find. I like to try all sorts of different things. When I have more skills, I might do an occasional mini-series of planned shots with a theme, but I don't think I'll ever do that ongoing, like you and Emily (and lots of others) do.
February 4th, 2012
I don't think that's the case entirely. I think for some people it may be - it may be that they just don't know how to plan and execute a shot in a specific way. For me personally, it's just the way I approach anything creative. When specific inspiration strikes, I do plan out a shot, but in general I just prefer spontanaeity. It's not that I don't think about what I'm shooting, I just don't think about it much in advance. I like to take my camera out and wander and just shoot what I see.

Last summer I upgraded from my Rebel (which I'd had for 7 years) to a 7D and shoot all manual, and I've got a few lenses, so it's not that I don't have good equipment or the right equipment to execute my ideas. I just like things to be more open-ended if that makes sense.
February 4th, 2012
The only one I'm planning is my 365th photo :)
February 4th, 2012
@agima - not at all Brendan. You misunderstood my project.

in 2011, I took each and every photo on the day, and posted on nearly every day. You could say an A-typical 365 project.

in 2012, I decided to get a bit selfish. In 2006, I travelled to Papua New Guinea and lived there for three years. During that 36month period, I took 26,000 photographs and figured there must be one shot for each and every day of a year, so for 2012, I am revisiting that 3 year period and dragging up all of the monthly shots to whittle them down to the 29, 30 or 31 shots required for each month.

So at the end of Feb, I will download the 2,000 shots I took over the 3 years of March in PNG and find 30 shots required to fulfill my 2012 project.

It is not the norm, and some find it ethically corrupt. But me and Megan Richardson will continue to do so for the next 10 and 3/4er months.
February 4th, 2012
Planning? No, not really, that's for work and far too sensible for my brain. This project is for fun and recording what I've done/seen each day. Generally I take it as it comes, though sometimes of course I see opportunities ahead, or at most 'ooh I fancy trying x I'll have a chance at the weekend'...Over Christmas I did a theme week and planned a bit for that and might do the same with an 'alphabet' batch...
@agima As it happens, I have one tiny camera without accessories and very little experience! :)
February 4th, 2012
and there a lot of people out here that are glad you decided to do that.
26,0000 wow that's impressive. I thought my 400 in New Zealand was a lot!!!

I have a camera, 2 lenses and a computer. I saw a friend on FB doing the project last year, and thought it seemed like a good idea.
I have years of experience taking photos (cause I'm over 50), think I started with a Kodak Instamatic!!
I have next to no experience in editing/post production.
So far I have taken and loaded a photo every day, and also spend a fair bit of time looking at others pics and reading through the discussion forums.
What I hope to gain through this project is understanding my camera, and working out how to make my photos look better.
I guess most of my planning is more about what I would like to photograph around town, things I do (work and play), and people around me.
I'm loving it so far. Learning lots about composition, dof, lights and flashes, from people like yourself who are willing and happy to share your technical knowledge.
Will I last 365 days taking and loading? Who knows....but I'm going to enjoy trying!!!!
February 4th, 2012
@agima I take at least one photo a day - I think I have had 2 fillers in a year and a half one I managed to find a shot from the year before on the same date and the other I can't remember!! I am not a person who takes a pile and spreads them out. I often won't even comment if I see people who have done that. Exception @bobfoto of course :oD I noticed a few people recently who started at the beginning of the year and then started randomly filling in November and December - but it's their project and they can do as they wish. I became ACE in my second year and my extra albums I use as and when ... anyway got to go photo needs taking have to face the freezing temperatures!
February 4th, 2012
I also plan my photo, although sometimes an unexpected things happen so the planned photos sometimes are scrapped in lieu of another photo. But most of the time I plan what I will put on my project for a week. ;)
February 4th, 2012
I keep lists of ideas and inspirations around, as well as thoughts about techniques or strategies I'd like to try. Days when I have time and energy, I'll try to work on some of those or on days when I have no time or energy at all, I'll look to see if I can find some instant inspiration!

For me, the first year was all about documenting my day, seeing things in new ways, and "forcing" myself to get out and use the camera as much as I possibly could. This year, I'm trying to use the idea of themes to challenge myself to think more intentionally about my photography and what I want to accomplish, but I would say any level of planning that goes into it pales in comparison to yours!
February 4th, 2012
I want to start up a "journal" where I record what kind of shots I'd like to take. As of now sometimes I'll get the bite to set up a scene and lightly plan it, but it's only minutes ahead instead of hours or days.
February 4th, 2012
I plan but more for a theme I want to do or if I see something while I'm traveling I log it for later etc I like the idea of keeping a journal like @leahfu I have the sunset and sunrise times in my diary ready for when I get some free time. Tonights plan is light painting, I could do with a couple more lights though!
February 4th, 2012
Some of my best shots have been 'spur of the moment' grab-it-now images :-) I rarely do any planning because I can't guarantee I'm going to have a specific amount of time free to do it. It works for me ...
February 4th, 2012
@justeddie Light painting is fun! I just started a month-long look at light, and kicked it off with some light cursive ...

February 4th, 2012

Hands down you are working with a very different skill set than I am. It is like the difference between a chef and a cook.

I'm still in the 'what happens if you do this?" stage. You know what happens before you do the set up.

I for one, love your creative genius!

I am working with a shoot list of things to try. You are working from a shoot list of things to do.

My only plan is to take photos and to try as many new techniques as possible this year as I settle into life here in DC. I have had 10 homes in the last 20 years. (military wife) and there is never enough time at any location.

Right now, even with a shot list of things I'd like to try, most of my photos are just the journey. A sort of "along the way" collection.

And like everyone who replied here, I'd like to say again, I look forward everyday to seeing what your creative genuis conjured up for the day!!
February 4th, 2012
@archaeofrog cool!!

It seems we had the same idea at the very same time. I started from Wednesday but yesterday I was to wrapped up in a homework project with my boy.

Today I'm posting his finished project but I have thought of an ingenious way to relate it back to my light project.

It is a leap year this year so I reckon yesterdays non light related picture can be
classed as Februarys extra day lol

I've just started following you to see how you get on with your month of light, I just bought a cross polarising filter today so I'm hoping to put that to good use. I have no idea if they are good or not.
February 4th, 2012
Brendan - you've got one of the most creative minds I have ever seen! I look forward to your photos and honestly, just yesterday, I was wondering where you come up with all of your ideas. So, now it makes total sense to me that you plan your shoots for days, weeks, even months. I have a really hard time coming up with creative ideas and not the same dull boring shots or a wide variety of things. I do have a list (that I made yesterday) of things that I want to shoot over the course of this 365.

the longest planning I ever do is that I do a crazy photoshoot with my kids right before Christmas every year for our photo christmas card. That's about as advanced as I can push my brain!!
February 4th, 2012
@agima As with others, I have little experience and little equipment (camera, couple of lenses, tripod). I don't think that really is the key though. Time and time management really stand out as the key things for me. Trying to change habits and do something new everyday is not easy.

I think you are right to highlight planning. When you are very early in what may turn out to be a steep learning curve, small steps are easier. Some of the things that I would like to learn will take time. Looking at your pictures and others on this site and sites like flickr really does inspire and lend ideas. What i love about this site is that many people outline what they did or link through to useful articles. Also, people with more experience do explain their success when you ask. Planning usually seems to be central.

Roll on the rest of the year:-)
February 4th, 2012
@onie - I remember years ago, I spent two weeks in NZ. Took 10 rolls of 36exp film. I thought that was excessive then...

@moirab - Thank you Moira. From where I sit, I have been honest and upfront in the fact that this second year has been taken from photos of a life previously. The thing that frustrates me a little is when a 365er takes a whole bunch of shots on the one event and then one week later after post-processing then downloads 10 days worth in a bulk upload.

I much prefer a bit of time and effort is made to get on the site each day and pop on a new photo with a new comment. I think Flickr is a better forum for the bulk uploader.

@agima - For The Seven project, because I have a week between creativity, I develop my idea over time, and sometimes wish that I could take the shot today and then wait for my Tuesday to arrive to post... but I inevitably wait until the day itself, and often I then change my mind completely. My very first Seven shot I wanted to do for years, and in the days preceding I struggled very hard in not taking the shot prematurely. And then when @kiwi and @voodoochild went all nude and the other members of The Seven started talking about a nude first week... well it threw my original plan out the window. While I was tempted to nude up, I decided to keep to my original plan and dress up in tomato soup.
February 4th, 2012
I'm definitely in the learning stage. I will sometimes have an idea, but it inevitably evolves into something different. Sometimes better, sometimes not. It's a good point about planning though.
February 4th, 2012
I rarely plan (lack of time), prefer to travel light (lack of equipment) and try to do very little post-processing (lack of time and skill). LOL. But seriously, I appreciate both the planned and unplanned and find that I learn tons and draw inspiration from both. My personal goal is to capture life around me as authentically and creatively as I can with minimal "tinkering," so to speak. I'm a bit of a minimalist and a purist, so I focus on doing my best with what little I have. Individuality - that's the beauty of 365 (and photography), yes? I just love the variety and the personality of all the projects I follow and browse.
February 4th, 2012
I don't plan my photos but plan the days and take the camera with me. I photograph what's out there and capture an image to remind me of where and when. Most of my images are taken whilst on a journey somewhere. So the images document the travel.
In 28 days time I'll be embarking on a 42-day cruise to China, Korea and Japan. We'll be in port for the day on 17 occasions, all other days will be at sea. The ship will hopefully provide subjects I can capture to fulfil my 365Project obligations. Uploading will be sporadic and infrequent.
February 4th, 2012
@bobfoto Cool, got the idea now, thanks. Tomato soup.....mmmmmm Interesting...

@justeddie @archaeofrog I have been meaning to do some light painting but I think I will have to make a plan B shot before I commit for a light painting as my plan A shot... :)

@swguevin I am still in that "What if I do this" stage and i think I will be forever. I no when I am doing a location shoot there is always a voice in the back of my mind what is my backup plan if all goes cactus and I still have to come up with the goods.... ;-)

@justeddie What do you plan on doing with the new filter?

@jenirainbow @dmortega @melissapike @filsie65 @onie @moirab @reaseludo @leahfu @justeddie @armorel @archaeofrog @swguevin @jenp @mcdermgl @anndee @lindenswhite

Thank you all for your comments as I found the responses fascinating.

I guess I plan what I an doing for the day and then I plan the photo around what I did for the day. For me it is important to take a photo that documents my day, it is just that I sometimes (ok 99% of the time) take my boring day a little bit far in my photos..

Now on today's photo.... Where did I put that ammunition, torch and iPad?????
February 5th, 2012
Am I the only one who never plans his photos and always takes them at the last minute? ;D
February 5th, 2012
@kiwi ha ha ha... Oh no I don't think you are...... ;-)
February 5th, 2012
I did plan the teapot shots, and sometimes I have other ideas, but often when I get there I don't like the planned shot, but something else I see on the day, or a shot that works better - I'm still not sure I uploaded the right photograph for today - there were three I dithered about. I'm more making a diary of my year.
February 5th, 2012
I don't really plan my photos. I might have and idea for a couple of days of something I want to shoot, but nothing big. I love the way your photos are planned out. I can't wait to check everyday and see what you have for us!! One of my favorite 365ers. So don't think that it's not appreciated!!!
February 5th, 2012
@agima my first year was very different, more diary form, but I still had planned shots but was more likely to take them on the day. This year is different because I wanted to explode certain themes that appeared in the first more thoroughly and yeah I now have more skill and confidence. But I do still do some on the day and change around images if something happens on a day.
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