Express my opinion

June 17th, 2012
I know this is just for me and just for fun but sometimes I want to share my thoughts on something that bothers me. I voted on a challenge one time and the theme was Making Waves. I added a comment that I thought the one was the only one of five that fit the theme. Some people didn't like the comment. Another recent one on Camera Settings had a cutoff time and date and of the five finalists one was posted after the cutoff and one was taken and posted after the cutoff and the entrant stated they knew that. Now there is one with the theme of Dizzy and I don't see where a couple of them have anything dizzy about them. I know I am whining but since my second year is about challenges and themes I am finding it frustrating. If you make rules or themes then the finalists should fit them. Thank you for letting me express- now on to the next one.
June 17th, 2012
June 17th, 2012
I can't find half the themes that I find people participating in....! I spot Ross's weekly theme (and sometimes wonder at how people have interpreted it!) and some of the monthly 'word' challenges but where do folk find the others?
Jann your photos are wonderful, keep it going, keep participating and don't be dismayed :) @jannkc
June 17th, 2012
@filsie65 Thanks- I watch the "Latest Topics and try for the ones that will teach me things like the Camera Settings Challenge and the ETSOOI challenges. I do learn and I am grateful just prefer the finalists fit the criteria.
June 17th, 2012
@38mm glad I could get you a quick nap- appreciate your response.
June 17th, 2012
Jann, I can see why you would be frustrated with this, very understandably so.
@38mm , if the topic bores you, then read it and bug off. There is no need to be disrespectful to Jann.
June 17th, 2012
I get your point with the cut off date and time but dont be too critical. I have noticed when I have posted images there has been a glitch in the system and my images have appeared with an incorrect date. If the participant stated they posted after the cut off then I agree they should not be in.
Remember photography is art and we all see different things in art. You may not see anything dizzy but others might. For me the challenges are not about winning but about taking the image and challenging myself. Most often I dont actually enter the challenge but I do take the shot or save the idea for a day when I have the time to take that particular shot.
June 17th, 2012
Hmm..interesting. I'm not sure if you mean the entrants weren't dizzy, or the finalists weren't. I know that I kept that in mind while picking the finalists, and to me every one I chose fit the theme in some way. I know that some people might interpret things differently. Like someone might look at a stand of grass gone to seed in the "dance" catagory and think "that has NOTHING to do with dance!" while someone else would think "oh cool! They went with "dancing in the wind", nice interpretation!" That's the thing about photography: It's art. And art is subjective. The main thing about the themes is that they're for YOU to challenge YOURSELF. If you get frustrated, it doesn't change anything, It doesn't help you. It just affects your inner self in a negative way. See if you can take a deep breath, smile, and play more!
June 17th, 2012
@38mm wow, disrespectful much? If you don't like the topic read it and bugger off, @jannkc has every right to air what's bothering her without someone like you acting all high and mighty and like you're better than everyone else

OK, rant done. My apologies if this offends anyone, but if there's one thing I can't stand it's arrogant people who think the world revolves around their opinions
June 17th, 2012
@m9f9l Thank you- I will. It just sometimes help to speak it out and move on.
June 17th, 2012
@k1w1 I agree.The challenges are wonderful. I didnt enter all of them so its not about winning to me it is just about following the ground rules and going with the theme.
June 17th, 2012
@paulaag Well what do you expect when the discussions seem to be a continual stream of people whining about not being in a final, not being on the pp, begging for followers. It all gets rather tedious, and typing a few Z's on a screen is hardly being disrespectful now is it.

June 17th, 2012
@38mm I didnt take it as disrespectful- just your thought and I agree. It is whining. Not about me being in the final or begging for anything just if rules are made, or themes given the finalists should use them.
June 17th, 2012
@filsie65 Click on "Discuss" and then "Themes and Competitions".
June 17th, 2012
Oh. Another thought I had while reading. Cutoff times are also subjective on this site!LOL (or at least relative.) I know I was a bit confused about when to choose the finalists. One person even said "I know this is late" when it WASN'T!! But then I live in Oregon, and she was probably in Europe somewhere. There are 24 time zones in the world!
June 17th, 2012
@kelsi87 Wow, you got all that from a few Z's? I wonder what your analysis would have been if I had actually said something.
June 17th, 2012
@38mm I think this is a gentle site - I am on a site where a few zzzzzzzz's would be the polite response! But I like the tone of this site and the tight reign which is kept on sarcasm and irony here. I come here for a rest from the spit and hellfire of my 'other' place!
June 17th, 2012
@m9f9l Agree on the time zones but the one I am referring to had 12 noon CST on a particular date. Some put the time zones with cut offs.
June 17th, 2012
@boogie Ah well, you see I come here to cause trouble. I'll let you decide how serious I am about that.
June 17th, 2012
Surely everyone has the right to their opinion - it would be nice if everything is kept respectful though. If someone wants to ask for followers, or ask why they don't get on the PP then surely that is their right to do so. I can also understand that some people might find that tedious but if you do the best thing is not to reply - albeit again everyone has a right to their opinion.

We are all different and that is the wonderful thing about this site.
June 17th, 2012
@38mm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ....
June 17th, 2012
@filsie65 Most themed challenges are either in Discuss / Themes & Competitions or in the Blog section.
June 17th, 2012
@jannkc -
First off, I completely respect your right to your opinion, and will defend to the death your right to speak it.

I'm the one who took the pic and posted after the cutoff and stated so in the challenge. I also said, which you have conveniently left out of your post, is that I *hoped* it could be allowed. What that meant, of course, is that if it couldn't be allowed then that would also be just fine. It was only intended as another example for the challenge. I couldn't have cared less if it made the final 5. That was up to the host for the week, not up to me. Yes, I was honored (and surprised) to be selected. Who wouldn't be?
Please note that I'm not offended that you used me as an example for your post. That's totally ok. I just wanted to present the rest of the story.
Regarding the dizzy theme. I looked at the entries. Some look dizzy and some make me feel dizzy. So, perhaps they are all within the realm of dizzy. Part of photography is how an image makes you feel, maybe not so much about the subject matter, but just the feeling it evokes. Subjectivity plays a large part. If someone had posted an image of Dizzy Gillespie, or Dizzy Dean, would that be within the theme? I say yes.
This is generally a fun site, and the challenges and themes are here to help us grow. If the rules get bent a little bit, well, this isn't really a serious competition site now is it.
Looking forward to more of your contributions in the various challenges.
June 17th, 2012
@38mm Uh Oh! I just posted about followers and don't read mine!
June 17th, 2012
@paulaag well said Paula - this is such a great site, don't need those kind of comments!
June 17th, 2012
@megsy agreed !
June 17th, 2012
I got in the final of the very first competition I entered, didn't win, but was so excited by that....haven't made the final of anything else since, but still will continue, as the themes and competitions are great learning tools.
June 17th, 2012
@boogie :D
June 17th, 2012
I love your point. It's about time someone spoke up!
June 18th, 2012
well if it was for money they'd be more serious about dem rules, but its just to get peeps taking photos even when they're short on ideas. I wouldn't worry.

June 19th, 2012
@megsy You can gain followers by taking great images for a start, participating in themes/competions and posting in the disccusions.

I don't see why people need to start threads with" Why don't I have followers or views My photos are AWESOME!"
As I have said before you take Furry cute photos of Cats or Colourful sunsets and it PP all the way.
PS you dont even need to take nice photos of cute cats :S
June 19th, 2012
@flagged I have to agree- the second half of my first year I did sunsets and sunrise because that is all I saw. Many PP and many Favs. I decided the second year would be using themes and challenges to go further in my camera knowledge and forego the PP. Sometimes I want to do one just to get the pat on the back again though.
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