Street Photography... BUSTED!

August 5th, 2012
Since I recently began taking street photography, I've noticed a bit of a trend... I'm being spotted! I try to take candids of subjects without them noticing me, but I've captured a few images where the person I'm shooting looks back at me. These images make for some fairly compelling shots on their own. Anyone have any good "outtakes"? Here's my favorite so far...

August 5th, 2012
Hey, it happens to all of us. Sometimes the "I caught ya look" is a better shot than what you originally were going for. Your above shot is Exhibit A in making my argument. :-)
August 5th, 2012
@cromwell While I considered posting this one as my photo of the day, the interplay between the two ladies was more interesting to me than the interplay between them and myself.
August 5th, 2012
This is an awesome photo--her expression is priceless!
August 5th, 2012
Oh my this is brilliant! Albeit kinda scary. She has one stern look. I wouldn't mess with this lady!
August 5th, 2012
This one is great, but that Cindy looks to be quite a character, and that bench is great too.
August 5th, 2012
This guy clocked me as soon as I started to raise my camera, and struck this pose for me. Some people just love being photographed :)

August 5th, 2012
love the look on her you are naughty!
August 5th, 2012
Haha, this is priceless, well done!
August 5th, 2012
Wow! That's a priceless shot. When I get "busted" for taking the photo - pretty easy since I'm usually shooting with 50mm or less on the street - I don't take the camera away from my eye, but call over to them, "Don't look at the camera!" It seems to work like a charm, although for the life of me I couldn't tell you why.
August 5th, 2012
great shot!

and thats what i'm afraid of, and don't do iy too often.
But this one saw me
August 5th, 2012



August 5th, 2012
@pschtyckque she really gave you a disapproving look LOL

My first street shot and I was busted.
August 5th, 2012
very rarely get busted but here are a couple where I did

August 5th, 2012
Took this photo during the Cherry Blossom Festival. Turned it into an fake CD cover last month:

August 5th, 2012
Not just once but twice!
August 5th, 2012
August 5th, 2012
August 5th, 2012
This guy may or may not have been in character, pretty scary either way, on Hollywood Blvd
August 5th, 2012

And when someone does spot you they sometimes do the opposite and look away!!
August 5th, 2012

August 5th, 2012
this one ;D

August 5th, 2012
Back from March, my first street photo. It looks as though I was seen
August 6th, 2012
Subway in NYC

August 6th, 2012
I should not have looked at this thread, since my Push Assignment for this week is street photography.
August 6th, 2012
Gone done got busted this last Thursday.

August 6th, 2012
haha....this is a great thread.... @pschtyckque ....yours is the best....she's really got that look down!
August 6th, 2012
Cool shots. I tried taking a street shot this weekend but I felt like everyone was noticing me so I chickened out. I don't want to offend anyone.
August 6th, 2012
@northy LOL! I love how the ones who noticed you are furthest away!!!!!
August 6th, 2012
Great shot! Her expression is awesome!!
August 6th, 2012
@pschtyckque Love that look!
@nancyperry Scary! Did you run? lol

I haven't done much street photography and this was one of my first tries. I called it The Stand Off because the guy who spotted me in the middle of the shot looks like he's going for his six-shooters, lol.

August 6th, 2012
While i was walking in Prague, this interesting appeared and i knew i had to take a picture. They were walking wight towards me... I took the picture quickly, the man noticed me right away, so I just smiled at him, he smiled back... Nothing less, nothing more...

August 6th, 2012
Funny thread!!
August 6th, 2012
August 6th, 2012
If looks could kill... XD

August 6th, 2012
@northy LOL! that one cracked me up! the ones furthest away....bwahahahaha!!
@paulavdmerwe I just love the two boys, so darn cute!
@aspada, fabulous shot!
August 6th, 2012
August 6th, 2012
Spotted (by two)! The look I caught on his face KILLS ME!

August 6th, 2012
He TOTALLY busted me and I'm glad I did. I went over to introduce myself and had a chance to meet him and learn a bit of his story. He's my favorite buster!

August 6th, 2012
LOL a different kind of "busted." But still one of my favs

August 6th, 2012
I got death stares from the grumpy bastard :P

August 6th, 2012
@jcarrollphoto LOVE your busted shot!!

@pschtyckque lol that is CLASSIC... street is scary to me because I don't want to get yelled at lol.

I think old mate sprung me here... was trying to be ever so discreet with my phone camera lol...

August 6th, 2012
Loving this thread! :)
August 7th, 2012
Not got a busted shot as such though the only time that i have been busted is whilst s fraiming a shot up for the Stars SPN challenge a guy walked pass me a said " Not without my agent." and continued on his way.
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