Milestone Photos - Thanks!

September 26th, 2012
I am now officially halfway through my 365 project! First, I want to say thanks so much to everyone who has followed, supported, and critiqued my work so far. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

I had all kinds of big ideas for a picture to signify my halfway point, but instead just sat hear thinking whether to be positive about being half done, or dreading that I've got another 182 days to go. In the end, I decided to pour myself half a beer and celebrate half a year.

What photos have you come up with to signify important dates or milestones on 365? Here's mine for today.

September 26th, 2012
Here is what I came up with to celebrate winning theme-jump
September 26th, 2012
And congratulations Jim! I think I'll also make it 50% through soon :)
September 26th, 2012
September 26th, 2012
@godders Great one Paul
September 26th, 2012
@jcarrollphoto Fantastic Jim, well done! So is it a case of the glass is half full or the glass is half empty (i'm thinking its just empty now?)
September 26th, 2012
@godders Hehe remember those! Great idea for a half way milestone though! :)
September 26th, 2012
@jcarrollphoto I've been enjoying your 365 journey and look forward to the next half!
September 26th, 2012
@jcarrollphoto Congrats on your first 50% Jim! Been enjoying your work! Looking forward to seeing the next 50%! Cheers :-)
September 27th, 2012
Last year (2011) I was more into milestones as opposed to this year. My halfway photo was similar to yours, although I didn't down half a beer. I just made half a puzzle.

Here's my end of the year photo for last year.

September 27th, 2012
@webfoot I absolutely love both of them. Your end of year photo is awesome. thanks for sharing!
September 27th, 2012
@jcarrollphoto Congrats on getting to the halfway point of your project! 8)

This was my photo to mark the end of my second run of Jumping Spiders Week as well as my 300th shot:

Just 54 more shots to go to the end of my project. Every single day counts! 8D

September 27th, 2012
This was my celebratory shot for the end of my first year on 365. My second year will finish up on New Year's Eve. Not sure how I'll celebrate this time.
September 27th, 2012
Pretty self explanatory:

I have honestly never been more proud of myself than I have been this year. I've learned so much; about myself, my camera, and what I am capable of. Photography brought me here, passion has kept me going. I've enjoyed being a part of this community, even though I am just danging on the edge. (c;
September 27th, 2012
Congrats on making it half way!

Last year I did a halfway milestone. And something special at the end of the year too.

This year I did it a little different and have been doing milestones every 100 photos (and I plan on doing something special for the last photo too)

Day 100

Day 200

Day 300

September 27th, 2012

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