"Wish list" at a photo store versus a "must have list"...

September 27th, 2012
Good Morning,

After taxing my kids to their bus stops I came home and with coffee in hand made a 'shopping list' for the photo store today. That is a first for me and a fun list to make. With this said I was wondering what some of you as photographers find is a must have when it comes to photography (besides the obvious~a camera of some sort). On the flip side what might be some of the things you would 'like' to have but are not necessarily a 'must have' item in your opinion? Just curious, and this could be a fun learning tool as well to see what makes some peoples photos work for them and how others might use something entirely different.
September 27th, 2012
Must haves for me are a tripod, spare battery, plenty of memory cards and a nifty fifty!

Like to haves would be D800 (a girl can dream), ND filters, 77mm1.8 and some more lighting equipment. Oh and another camera bag - a girl can never have too many camera bags!
September 27th, 2012
Hi, depends on what you like to shoot ?

I love landscapes so Filters are a must (NDs + Grads) and a decent Tripod with remote release. For portraits I prefer natural light so lighting not so much a must.
Would like the new Full frame Nikon D600 and also a Fuji XE-1 with lenses, but dreaming !!
September 27th, 2012
@wardie Yes, I agree depends on what you like to shoot, but just in you posting this has gave us some valuable tools for landscapes! Im buying my first set of ND filters later today..I can hardly wait!
September 27th, 2012
I would so like a Sony Alpha 99 but for the moment a new camera bag will suffice.
September 27th, 2012
A Leica IIIc or IIif, a Rollei White Face Planar, Nikon S Rangefinder, Olympusflex and Olympus PEN gothic F, Olypmpus OM-D, Airesflex with Nikkor lens, and , maybe a Belpasca stereo camera!
September 27th, 2012
@peterdegraaff I agree…a Leica would be a dream camera for me;)
September 27th, 2012
@staci2171 You're just saying that I bet
September 27th, 2012
@peterdegraaff LOL..yeah…who wouldnt want a Leica best glass in my book.
September 27th, 2012
Must haves: Tripod, on and off camera lighting to help when there isn't enough available light a couple of lenses to tailor towards whatever style you shoot.

As far as a wish list: I'd like to get my hands on a medium format camera, a infrared filter (maybe taking a digital body and converting it to shoot infrared only) and a fish eye lens for my digital because I think it's just a cool lens.
September 27th, 2012
Must haves: New bag (just got it), nifty fifty, ND and polarizer filters.

Wishes: Lenses, lenses, lenses, more sturdy tripod, photo editing/manipulation software/knowledge. And I'll save the new camera for a few years out wishlist when I get a bit more knowledge and experience. :)
September 27th, 2012
And an extension to your house to have room for all of those and your existing collection? Fabulous list!
September 27th, 2012
@bmnorthernlight A darkroom in the extension would be nice
September 27th, 2012
@peterdegraaff that would be great!
September 27th, 2012
I am about to purchase a nifty fifty..can't believe I don't even have one with all the portraits I do!! I need some reflectors too and I am also getting some more storage space aka portable hard drive.

My wish list is a long one: Nikon D700 or 800 :), A new camera bag some back drops and stands. Maybe some rechargable batteries for my flash etc. I could keep on going but what's the point?
September 27th, 2012
Must have is a 50mm, and when shooting film then a notepad, pen and light meter.

Wish list would be Hasselblad 500 C/M, Leica M6, Leica R5, Mamiya C 330S, Ricoh GR1s, Contax T2, and the new Leica M Digital.

And a wealthy and attractive woman to buy me the above, in exchange for some of the good loving.
September 27th, 2012
Must haves I didn't see mentioned:

Polarizing filter: It almost never leaves my lens unless I'm shooting in low light

Remote: They are small, lightweight, relatively inexpensive and come in handy more than you would think. I always stash mine in my pocket, just in case

Tripod: Doesn't have to be expensive, just solid. You can search ebay or amazon or another online "store" for great deals. I almost bought a Manfrotto tripod with head and camera plate this past week. I bid $50 (minimum accepted) and was winning till the last minute. The winning bid was $66. I wasn't that interested but I thought if I could get it for that, I'd do it. (I know it was mentioned above.....)

Like to have: a dedicated photo backpack that isn't so cumbersome and dorky looking. I lean towards messenger bags but they aren't that great for hiking or doing lots of "out of town" type stuff. Most of the backpacks I have found are solely for photo equipment or have it as an afterthought, no intentional ground up integration. I have found one but it is out of my price range at the moment.

ND filters, Macro filters, Wide angle lens, Intravolmeter, Medium Format camera, the "wish" part of the list could go on and on but I am slowly getting there.
September 27th, 2012
My list is a new camera by next Spring and possibly a wide angle lens. I have had my XSI for over 4+years, ready for a full frame. I sold my 10-22 lens and now miss the wide angle for landscapes.Tomorrow I will be buying a softbox kit, transmitter for my flash, wireless remote and some filters. I can hardly wait….like a kid on Christmas Eve…anxiously awaiting for tomorrow ;)

I currently have the nifty 50 1.8; 24-70L 2.8, 18-55 and the 70-200L 4. I want to really love my 24-70, but I dont…my friend loves hers…Im probably gonna sell it and get something else. But I do love my 70-200…best lens I have owned, hands down!
September 27th, 2012
in addition to all of the items listed in previous posts, I would wish for someone to carry all my gear around with me. They could also shoo away pesky tourists, and anything else that might step in to my viewfinder uninvited.
September 27th, 2012
@nanalisarocks oh yes please, me too!
September 27th, 2012
@nanalisarocks Me, too!
September 27th, 2012
must haves - rolls of film - any old camera.

Wish list - more rolls of film - expired in the 1960s rolls of film - funky lomo rolls of film - vouchers for cheap film developing.
September 28th, 2012
Dreaming of a new to me used Sony Alpha a700. After that..hmmm... glass. A wide angle would be nice. Replace my tamron with macro switch with same thing, mine's having some probs.
September 28th, 2012
I don't have a wish list, they get me down. I am waiting for my rangefinder to come back from the repair shop and after that the next purchase will be either a 135 or 200mm prime lens. Then I will be sorting my darkroom out.
September 28th, 2012
I have an urgent wish list because my camera broke. To all my photo friends, my little Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX30V 18.2 MP Exmor R CMOS Digital Camera with 20x Optical Zoom and 3.0-inch LCD is broken. I'm so sad! Not only that, but I can't afford to buy another one for $400 right now. I'm just looking for advice: Is there another camera like this one that is better? Less expensive? I'd love your feedback on a small, affordable, good camera. Thank you all so much! Theresa, Denver Colorado.....
September 29th, 2012
Must have:

camera (doesn't matter what)
50mm lens or equivalent, preferably a fast one
strap of some sort
cable release / fancy electronic thing which does the same job / self timer
consumables (batteries if needed, memory, film, glass plates ...)
lens cloth

Like to have:

tripod bag
a proper camera bag
more filters
a Leica. M2 for preference, but any old Leica would do at a pinch.
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