*****HELP ME WIN******

October 25th, 2012
I have recently entered a Photo comp on Vitalmtb.com. The prize of the comp is a Brand New Mountain Bike!!! To make it to the finals, it is based off of facebook "LIKES" So pleaseeee, if you fellow 365ers could, Click on the link to view my photo on Vital MTB, then scroll down to click the "LIKE" button underneath my photo!


To make this Competition even better.... Darren Barrecloth (Professional Freeride Mountain Biker) is going to be picking the winner from the 10 finalist. He is my hero! haha I know it sounds cheesyy but he is :P

Thank you to all that went and liked it! I really appreciate it :D
October 25th, 2012
Done :)

October 25th, 2012
@superbeyotch YAY Thank you :)
October 25th, 2012
Done :D
October 25th, 2012
Done and good luck! :0)
October 25th, 2012
@tracywilliams @sarajeal You Ladies are AWESOME! ;)
October 25th, 2012
@cvanheel hehehe we know! lol ;0)
October 25th, 2012
Done - it's an awesome shot!
October 25th, 2012
I'm afraid I'm not on Facebook and so can't vote. :( That's a truly amazing picture though so I hope you win.
October 25th, 2012
@pizzaboy Thank you Mick! That was a fun shoot to do. The riders were crazy to be riding in almost pitch black..
October 25th, 2012
@missmercy Aweee haha Thank you for trying though :)
October 25th, 2012
It's a great photo Cade! Done! And good luck!!
October 25th, 2012
I am not a fan of these 'like' competitions, but that is one stunning shot! ~ liked :-)
October 25th, 2012
October 25th, 2012
@socalgal Thanks Patty!

@alisonp Neither am I, But they do it when you get a massive amounts of photos submitted. Easier to weed though and get to the finalist haha

@ladykassy46 Thank you Kathleen :-D
October 26th, 2012
Not a fan of begging for votes, but I was compelled to look at it from your request. It is a stellar photo, so I hit the like button for you.
October 26th, 2012
Amazing shot, so i liked it on fb!
October 26th, 2012
I voted.
Great job - good luck!
October 26th, 2012
Done- Like all your shots!
October 26th, 2012
@newbie Im not one to ask for Votes but the prize is a Fully build Mountainbike!!! 1000 dollars! lol so thank you for your like :)

@nicoleterheide Thank you nicole!

@eyeseeu I cant wait to see if I made it to the finals! I have never one a Comp like this one.. So thank you :)

@jannkc Thanks Jann! Im glad you like them. I makes me feel like I am doing something right! LOL ;)
October 26th, 2012
Done! Good luck!
October 26th, 2012
You know I'm always happy to send a vote your way Cade! Best wishes!!
October 26th, 2012
that is one awesome picture, done.
October 26th, 2012
Done! good luck!
October 26th, 2012
October 26th, 2012
Done! It's a spectacular shot and I hope you win :)
October 26th, 2012
Done and Good Luck! Amazing shot.
October 26th, 2012
This shot is spectacular so I liked it
October 26th, 2012
Done. Fab shot!
October 26th, 2012
Love the shot! You have my vote!!
October 26th, 2012
Great shot!
October 27th, 2012
Great photo! Done!
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