Wedding Photo areas around London

November 18th, 2012
My sister if getting married in a few weeks and together with my best friend we'll be taking the photos. Not so much me, as I need to help entertain the guests, but you bet I'll take thousands of photos!

The wedding will take place in Westminster Town Hall, after which we were thinking of going to Hyde Park, St Paul's Cathedral and some other places ? before we head off to the reception place in Bromley. On my suggestion they have hired a doubledecker red bus (I know, I know, But i'll be damned if I don't take a photo of them on one:)))) to pick everyone up from the Town Hall and rive us around before heading off for the reception venue. I reckon we have about 3 hours to do the shoot before we head off. As I don't know London very well, can you please take a minute to think about and perhaps suggest any nice areas, even if different from what I have outlined here.

Wacky ideas are also very welcome :)

November 18th, 2012
3 hours in London, with traffic? Sounds like 2 venues max, and only if they're close and pre-setup. Time completely disappeared on my last wedding shoot.
You could choose anything in London, you're in a photographic cornucopia.
November 19th, 2012
I'm not really best one to ask, but will put my thinking cap on
November 19th, 2012
Andy is your man, but if he says brick lane ignore him. The only nice place I know near London is Manchester.
November 19th, 2012
this is very dependant on the day and the time. In general though, I would be VERY surprised if you can do all of that in 3 hours - there's just the traffic, the roadworks, the bad traffic... not to mention that when you get there, the people.

I'd advise against St Pauls entrance otherwise you'll just be swarmed with tourists. If its happening on a week day, then stay away from lunch hour as there's just so many people that go there.

But, I LOVE the city of london... if its the weekend maybe you can get through it in this order :

1. Millenium bridge shooting towards the Tate Modern end
2. St Pauls from the garden area
3. Postman's Park (It may be closed on weekends)
4. Coleman St / Basinghall Ave - Shoot on deserted street
5. Royal Exchange
6. Leadenhall Market
7. St Dunstans in the east

Make sure you guys bring a reflector and assign someone to hold it - depending on time of the day, you'll want to avoid having severe shadows under the eyes caused by midday sun. Have someone on hand for fixing hair and makeup. Get another person to make sure they've bought a whole bunch of drinks to bring with you so everyone (especially bride and groom) stay hydrated or they'll start to get tired - stay off the booze at this stage :)

Other tips - make sure you talk to the bride / groom before hand and get them to list you a bunch of "must have" shots - generally these are the group shots of family / friends. Have someone dedicated to gathering these people together and pushing them into the shot, and getting people out fo the shot when needed otherwise you'll just chew up time.

Good luck!
November 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth thanks for the vote of confidence man :)
November 19th, 2012
Some good suggestions above. Can't really help I'm afraid as I'm only an occasional visitor. Regents park might be another nice place. I guess it would be hard to find quiet spots!
November 19th, 2012
@fueast While I agree that Regent's park is very pretty, its in the north and may prove a problem traffic wise getting to other destinations.

I agree that it'll be busy but its so huge, i'm sure she'll find some spots there - its just that if this park is all they can do then they'll have a single theme going through their images :)
November 19th, 2012

I just looked at the tags she'd included and saw no toast. I was eager to make a dig at London tbh, didn't think.
November 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth dig away good sir! :)
November 20th, 2012
@cameronknowlton @houdiniem @toast @fueast @chewyteeth

Thank you guys for the tips on what is achievable and on what to do on the day. A list of places to go is getting born in my head. Please do keep them coming if you have some more.
Dave, The only nice place I know near London is actually Leeds, my spiritual home in England, not too wet either you see:)))))
November 20th, 2012
@frida hurrrraaay Leeds Leeds!
November 20th, 2012
I can recommend that you stay out of Canary Wharf... its private property and the guards will kick you out
November 21st, 2012
@fueast @frida

Leeds is to Manchester what a chicken leg is to a roast chicken, so as tasty but a bit small and insufficient. Manchester is the daddy.
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